Word Art Soul Connection black text over sun in blue sky photo, Subtitle Sunday Theme: Spirituality and transformationSC#07:

Age of Fear, God of Fear

Everything is made in the likeness that it is created. Every creation is built with intent. Intention comes with mental focus. Focusing upon what is desired creates energy. Energy becomes physical reality.

If there is an Age of Terrorism, then surely we are in an Age of Fear.

If we are in an Age of Fear, then we must surely have a God of Fear.

For a God of Fear would create a world in its likeness, in Fear. Because we have a God that must be feared. And so the world becomes fearful.

Perhaps you’ve heard the term, “God-fearing people?”

I believe it is used to describe people who are faithful to their God, to their religion, to their morals. In other words, good people. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that, with being good people. But how do you be good people?

To be in fear, to focus in fear, only creates more fear.

But we have been in an Age of Fear for a long time

Perhaps thousands of years. Your guess is as good as mine.

And fear is natural, it is a part of animal instinct. Do not fool yourself into thinking you do not have animal instinct. We all respond to mortal danger in fear.

But unlike most of the animal kingdom, modern humans seem to live in constant fear. We find it hard to relax into the balanced perfection that is all around us, to be calm, still, and easy as we are carried by God’s love.

Because we have been put in fear by structures that seek to control us. By telling us to fear God. Because we are made broken and need to be saved by God. And only the right people, those who know best about God, can tell you what God wants for you. And this is control.

Why Would God Make Us Broken?

Many modern tellings of it say that mankind is born into “original sin.”

Why? Why would God create us in sin? Why would God create us to be broken? So that we may live our lives to fix ourselves?

That doesn’t make sense to me. Why would an all-powerful, always present, all-knowing, all-loving Creator create the world broken?

If the creation is broken, then remake it whole! That is what a loving Creator would do.

We are made whole. We are not broken. We are made the way God has fashioned us to be made. There is nothing wrong with us.

Word Art over paper background: Why would an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God make a broken creation and then keep remaking it, broken each time?

Stop Condemning, Stop Mutilating

There are practices around the world that condemn the human from birth. They cut sensitive parts of the body at an early age.

Why does mankind mutilate God’s creation this way?

Why does mankind, in arrogance and ego, attempt to remake what God has made in perfection?

God made us how we are, God made us in perfection. God did not make us broken. We do not have to fix anything. We do not have to mutilate our bodies to make us right. We are in this way only tampering with God’s perfect creation.

Why do we torture ourselves this way?

We are not made wrong. We are made the way we are intended to be made.

Word Art over paper background: Stop condemning your body, stop condemning others’.

Who is in Fear Can Be Controlled

When you are put into fear, you can be controlled by those who frighten you.

So how did we get here? Why is there an age of fear, and condemnation, and mutilation? Who does it serve?

It serves those who wish to control. For when someone is in fear, they are easy to control.

Word Art over paper background: If you put people in fear, they are easy to control.

Fear benefits those who wish to control. Those who follow their ego. Those who do not align to God’s love.

Love is not control.

Control is born of fear.

Love dispels fear. In love, there can be no fear.

God Doesn’t Need Control, God Has Love

Fear is about control. God does not need to control. God is beyond control. Because God is All That Is.

God does not need that kind of control. Because God has Love.

Love is all that God needs to have. Love is what created All That Is. Love is all there is.

God-loving People

I propose a new term that all religious, spiritual and moral people can use:

Word Art over paper background: “God-loving people”

This makes more sense to me. This is more fitting for God, the loving creator. This reminds us that we are all God’s beloved creations.

As we love God, Gods loves us. As we focus on love, we create from love. God is a creator of love. God created all in love.

That’s why it boggles my mind to think of it otherwise…

All for now.


Thank you for reading.


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Blessings to you all,
