Word Art Possibilities Playground glowing yellow letters over rainbow background. Subtitle Monday Theme: New Ideas. Fun with words. Kid friendly.

New Possibilities

Today I was guided to take a pause on the story of the little gnome.

For a bit. Fawley Wessar and his thick glasses will be back. And his inventions.

Actually, I feel this week may be a recalibration of my blog in general. Bear with me. In the meantime…


Just stirring the air a bit.

Taking a breath of newness.

Feeling out the bumpers.

Becoming part of the machine.


The machine being my life, the bumpers the joy ride, and the breathness and newness and stirring and remixing of it all. The having fun with it.

See, what I am trying to get at is… well… new ideas.

To have a new idea means being on the leading edge of thought. Being in the vicinity of newness, of something that hasn’t been thought before. At least not in that exact way under those exact circumstances for those exact reasons.

Every idea is an expansion on those before it. And leads to those yet to come.

I have been a on a hunt lately. One that my inner being set me on. I actually don’t remember why now. Why I was called to the 30 Day Blog Challenge.

Think I simply saw it and I chose to do it and did it… And still I keep going with it.

New Plans

So I keep following. Following the guide posts pointing me on. To more lessons and online classes and tips and tutorials about blogging and YouTubing and doing new things. Things I have never done before, things I was barely tuned into or aware of until now.

Like trying to build an online business and community out of who I am and what I love.

Creative new things that I can enjoy being creative in, share my passions, and actually may turn out to be very lucrative. To make a living following my passions. That is how God and my inner being would want it.

So, I will attempt something suggested by one of these lessons now. I am making it a part of my post tonight. For fun and all.

Possible YouTube Channel Content

Creative writing
Qi Gong
Muay Thai
Video Games
Learning new things
Fun stuff


There, that’s it. And I’m supposed to grade it to see my top choices.


Now you know some of the possibilities for my YouTube channels to come. Most of these won’t make the cut. But I have a feeling I already know which ones will prevail… You’ll have to wait and find out.

At least now you know some of my hobbies and passions.

New Investments

So my guides lead me on. They point me this way and that. And sometimes I want to get in the way. But they say, don’t worry. And I try not to worry.

Then I remember how much is being gifted my way. New knowledge and awareness, expanding my consciousness on what is possible for me in this life.

I know I will not do any one thing exactly like those who are teaching me, those who are successful in the online business world. I know I will be unique and that I must take the best of their lessons and use my discernment for the rest.

And I know that by investing in new knowledge, knew ideas, and knew thoughts and beliefs about what is possible, that I will continue to expand in my ability to do all that I want to.

That is the heart of an investment, we might say. To be in receipt of all that you asked for in the beginning. To put out something that then returns to you in infinite quantities. That is how energy works. That is how the cosmos was formed. That is how it is all put together. Infinite energies pooling together from one creative source into what we see as All That Is. Return on investment. Output of energy in creative vibration returned to you in your physical reality as manifestation. That is the law of attraction. Creativity by its nature draws more stuff. Creation, the created. The Creator, all of us.

To invest in the energy of infinity yields an infinite return.

Surrender. Yield. Allow. Be easy.


Thank you for reading.


Blessings to you all,
