Word Art Soul Connection black text over sun in blue sky photo, Subtitle Sunday Theme: Spirituality and transformationSC#08:

A Prayer for the Future

I am in the vibration of love.

I am in the realm of wisdom.

I am aligned to Divine Love in completion.

I am knowing who I am, what I am and how I serve.

I am at Peace.

The Future Is Now

We talk so much about the present tense of our lives. We define ourselves by what is happening around us, now, now, now, now, now.

But when we speak of the future, we speak as though it is distant.

The present moment you are in is built in the energy of your yesterdays. It is merely unfolding now as you perceive it.

Today was built in the past.

Your future is built now.

Speaking of the future as though it already is puts the cart before the horse, so to speak.

With the cart ahead of the horse, the goods can arrive ahead of schedule. The future is brought to you more readily when you speak as those it is now.

I am healthy claims this now and draws the future of your health towards you.

I am well. I am joyful. I am prosperous. I am wise. I am truthful. I am loving.

These are claims for my future.

What do you claim for your future?

Allow me to end with a prayer for the future of our planet Earth, our world, I AM…


I am strong.
I am well.
I am whole.
I am prosperous.

I am blessed.
I am abundant.
I am thriving.
I am exceptional.

I am full of life.
I am expanding.
I am transforming.
I am exceeding expectations.

I am working out the kinks.
I am growing without limit.
I am with you all the way.
I am holding, guiding, loving.

I am exalting with your thrills.
I am forgiving all your stumbles.
I am striving for my best.
I am always gaining ground.

I am lucky.
I am joyful.
I am perfect.
I am love.

I am the kingdom as you claim it.
I am the planet you call home
I am Earth, I am human, I am Heaven.



Please let me know what you think in the comments.

And please share.


As always, thanks for reading.


Blessings to you all,
