Word Art Midweek Musings green text over blue-yellow background and Subtitle Wednesday Theme: May my guides reveal the way

Is There a Holding Place For Hate?

We will call it a Sea of Hate. It is a holding place. But it is that alone. There is no source of hate, other than this holding place. This place was constructed and built over a long time. But that is a discussion for another time.

We will jest as we say that we hate to give this topic such precedence with such terminology as this Sea of Hate. We do not even like to capitalize this word. But it has a function as a lesson and so for now we will work with it, in a guarded and mindful way.

We will call it thus because you may begin to perceive it as this in a visual way, as a mental picture for this lesson.

And what we mean by this is to see the energy of hate first forming a pool of energy. This pool then forms a bigger and bigger attraction of that energy of hate. And when that hate is great enough, it forms a sea. It forms the Sea of Hate.

When anyone feels hate, they are drawing from the Sea of Hate. And that goes for whether you are directing the hate on someone else or receiving the hate towards yourself. You are drawing from that energy of hate.

Now we know that no one consciously asks to be hated upon, to draw hate towards them. But when hate is directed upon you and you know it, you feel it, you are agreeing in a way to that energy from the Sea of Hate. Another discussion to continue in other ways later.

In any case, this presenters itself in a problematic way, because this attention to hate continues to perpetuate hate as a thing, as an energy. And it needn’t be so.

How Does Hate Get Perpetuated?

We will use a new example to demonstrate how hate may grow, how an energetic holding place, like the Sea of Hate, may grow.

Let’s say you are taking a class, like an art class, and that the material you will be working with, crafting with, will be clay.

The teacher takes some clay from the source of clay, but in this case that is the Sea of Hate.

The student may take the clay in his hands, in her hands, and mold it, craft it, work with it. But the student will find that in doing so, by putting attention to the clay, the clay grows.

We are not speaking of magic. We are speaking in energy. Where attention goes, energy flows.

When you put attention to the clay, this clay of hate, we will say, you add to it. You put time and effort into it.

And you will see shortly that the clay you had to begin with has grown in size. You now have more clay to work with. And you may decide to make something with it. Maybe it even seems harmless. “I may make a shield with my hate to prevent others from harming me,” you may say.

But what you will find is that as you craft this shield, the clay continues to grow as you put time and attention to it.

And now instead of one shield, you may have two, or many.

And then you have spent enough time molding the clay from the Sea of Hate. And you will decide to put it back where it came from. So you return it to the teacher of the class. And the teacher will return it to the source, that Sea of Hate that it came from. And from that place, others may also draw upon it. And there is now more to draw upon.

This is an example. Please understand it in your own way.

What Can We Do To Actually Stop Hate?

We will tell you one last thing today. You may begin to perceive when you are in line with the Sea of Hate. Are you feeling hate from others? Are you giving hate towards others? Even if you think it is righteous to do so?

If the answer to these questions is ‘yes,’ then you are drawing from the Sea of Hate,
you are working with the clay, as it were, and you are growing the energy of that sea.

So you may say now, ”What can I do to stop this? I do not want to grow the hate energy of the world. I believe there is only a Source for good and that all other energies are distortions. I do not wish to see hate, but how can I stop it when I sea it in the world around me?”

Matthew is laughing that he typed “sea” for see, but we have agreed to leave in the so-called pun.

Now we will tell you. You look to something else. You do not stop hate by looking at it. You stop it by looking away.

And what do we look to, you may ask?

You look to Love. There is always Love. We love to capitalize Love because that is what it is. It is an important energy and it is always present. It is always there for you. Love is always the answer, we will say, in any situation you do not wish to see.

Claim Love in your life and feel yourself align to Love. The energy of Love will banish all negativity. Love will turn back darkness. Love will overcome fear. Love will stop hate.

Matthew is ever thinking on behalf of his human mind for those others who may read this and pause, and the thought is this: easier said than done, right?

You tell me. You tell us. Is it so hard to claim Love in any and all situations that it may be required of you?

Can you claim Love in the face of hate?

Can you stop feeding that sea we do not wish to see?

You may, you know. It is easy to seek Love in your field. You may call for it, you may ask for it to be with you. You may be aligned to Love in all ways. You may be aligned to Love always.

So please with us now, dissipate hate. When you see it, call upon Love.

Call upon Love always.


Thank you for attending to these words with us tonight.


As always, please comment and share.

Many blessings to all,
