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After a decade in the land of the dead, Ramelan—Lord of the Underworld, King of the Undead—returns with new music. And a message: “Rebirth, resurrection, a facing of the true self.” He has overcome his curse.

Album Cover for “KotU Returns” by Ramelan, featuring the words “Live” and “Solo” over the Ramelan griffin mask logo

In an epic fantasy world my character, Ramelan, god of the dead, warns of the evil Chaos and his army of zombies. Some of Ramelan’s songs implore a young hero to seize his nature and act; while others express his deep love for the mortal queen of the desert. Yet there are words in each of Ramelan’s songs that speak to all of us and heed us to “take our fate in hand.”

This time around, Ramelan’s energy is greater than ever. Now Matthew channels the character’s words as well as songs, and this god from an epic fantasy world shares his profound message with us all.

Matthew Rondeau reprises the role as desert bassist and vocalist of Ramelan. As with the original songs on “Enter the Garden,” Matthew again performs with shakers on his ankles. This time, however, Ramelan inspired a new trinity of percussion bracelets called the “triple shaker”—played on both feet and one hand.

“KotU Returns” is performed solo and live by Matthew and the music is better than ever. Ramelan at a new best.