Sample Tracks from “You Can Heal the World (Starting With Yourself),” an album idea for future production.

The “Everything Matters” is what I call my other music, separate from Ramelan music.

Track 2 – The Healing Presence

It’s a far more familiar soundscape, in many ways. Listening to the music may bring up memories of other songs from your life.

Yet I believe the music has derived directly from spirit for a greater purpose. I have followed the impulses to capture the energy as best I could.

Because at the heart of the music is the message—the words came first. It is for inspiration, healing and change. In order to heal the world at large we must first heal ourselves. Doing so affects the global matrix of energy that we are all a part of.

Track 7 – The Sharing of It

The album, “You Can Heal the World: Starting With Yourself,”  begins with an invocation to God, to open the door to change. And through the subsequent songs we look directly at our challenges and our inner “darkness.” In this way we can understand those aspects of our lives, then transform them and therefore ourselves.

The culmination of the album comes in the last three songs. Track 19 implores us to “follow the light” and “raise our arms up to the sky.” Track 20 allows us the space for forgiveness—of ourselves, our past, and our hardships. Through this we can accept ourselves for who we are in our own perfect ways.

Finishing it off is a call to complete the circle of healing represented by the entire message of the album. This song—unknown to me when I first sang the words—is the old bluegrass classic, “Let the Circle Be Unbroken” (with a twist). The song morphs and the lyrics then take us to a new place where “All is well with my world, the universe supports me, I am at peace.” (For this line I must thank the teachings of Louse L. Hay, from her book, “You Can Heal Your Own Life.” You may note that her book also inspired the album’s title.)

I am excited about this music, eager to complete the project, and desire earnestly to share it with all the world. It has healed and transformed my own life in profound ways, and it is my hope that it may do so for others as well.

Track 11 – Strange Thing

Blessings to all. Love is all there is.

Matthew Rondeau