Word Art Young Titan Zone black text over red brick background. Subtitle Tuesday Theme: Expanding idealistic young minds.


What is Vibration?

We could get into a big discussion of this from a quantum physics perspective.

But I am not a specialist in that.

But the bottom line is this: everything is composed of vibration. They are considered the most fundamental building blocks of all things.

And not just physical things!


While our bodies, our cells, the table I write on, the very parts of my iPad and keyboard are all composed of vibrational components resonating together to form a solid structure… much like we think of the subatomic world spinning and vibrating to make atoms and molecules and eventually those larger physical objects…

Vibration is also the way anything and everything is created, thoughts and emotions included!

So the need-to-know for this post is as follows:

All things, thoughts, and emotions can vibrate either at a slower rate and more densely, or they can vibrate at a higher rate and be more elevated and light.

So there are feelings and thoughts of lower vibration, like fear, worry, hate, anger, jealousy and greed…

And there are feelings and thoughts of a higher vibration, like freedom, joy, love, peace, unity, and abundance.

We All Know About Higher Education, Right?

I needn’t wax on about this topic.

Higher education is what we expect it to be. It’s college, or university.

It’s applying ourselves to a higher level of study than our high school diploma or GED.

The idea being, of course, that with a degree comes more opportunity.


This may have been true in times past, but current trends do not provide significant evidence that spending all your time in college is getting people more money or success. Many college graduates are stuck with huge debts and poor job outlook.

And in fact, many multi-million and billion dollars enterprises have been started with people holding no college degree whatsoever.

This is a whole other topic and not my point here.

Nor do I advocate for skipping college if it it what you desire. And for professions that need specialized study, like doctors and lawyers, among others, please, for the sake of all of us, do not try to skip. Not that you could…

My point here is this!

Higher education is focused on intense studies in the intellectual world, for the most part.

In other words, the more you study, the more focus is put on the brain, the conscious mind, the intellect.

Great, you say, right?

Maybe. But at what cost?

I know in my life I focused on my intellect at the expense of my body for many years. Until my body caught up with me and I had to focus on becoming more aware, just to ease the pain and imbalance. I started doing exercise and stretching and yoga, finding time to strengthen and to relax and stay balanced overall in my physical being.

And that’s not saying anything about my soul!

Lower Vibration, the Expense of the Soul

So what is all this focus on intellect doing to the soul?

How is this related to vibration?

Think of this: the mind is busy, busy, busy. It reads textbooks, it listens to music, it listens to lectures, it does homework, it writes essays, it might take breaks for friends, TV, movies, games, parties, phones, texting, emailing, social media…

You name it, there is something to do almost all day, every day to keep the mind occupied.

What’s wrong with that? Nothing if you want to be consumed by the mind.

But when does this allow you to stop and listen to your soul?


For when the mind is activated, the thoughts preclude our consciousness from truly listening to our soul.

Our soul speaks to us mostly in silence.


Sure we might get glimpses of insight, intuition, and inspiration. Through the cracks….

But to silence the mind, be calm, at ease, in the present moment, in meditation, in quietude… These are the powerful moments in which we contact our soul.

And our soul has much to teach us.

And our soul lies in a higher vibrational world. It lives in communion with love, joy, peace, harmony, abundance and freedom!

These are the higher vibrations that we may be lacking when we continue to follow intellectual pursuits that keep us low.

Those grades that keep us worrying; those needs to succeed in life that keep us fearful; the desire for money that keeps us greedy; the push for success that keeps us wanting more, more, more. (Forgetting all the while that we can be happy and free NOW even without all that stuff. In fact, that is true happiness).

In essence, higher education is offering a world class study in lower vibration.


That’s if you choose to go that way. If you go to college, you may choose the low path of intellectual low vibration. Or you may still choose the high path of your soul and the higher vibrational possibilities available to you.

Beware of the mind. The power of your thoughts can overwhelm you.

The more busy you keep the mind with thinking, studying, analyzing… the less likely you will hear your soul.

Those true values we all seek like peace, joy, love, harmony and abundance may be missed while you are busy improving the intellectual mind, at the expense of your soul.

Stop, pause, meditate, discern, seek the higher, and always listen to your soul.


Do you understand the concepts I presented here? Do you agree, disagree?


Please comment and share.

Thanks for reading.


Blessings to you,
