Word Art Soul Connection black text over sun in blue sky photo

The Kingdom of Heaven

In the past week I had a low point and I discussed the idea of hell.

Now to have a bit more fun with a much more uplifting idea.

And that is the kingdom of heaven.

What does that mean? When you hear those words, read those words. What do they mean to you?

When I was a child, in good Roman Catholic fashion, I believed heaven was a blissful and eternal afterlife where you could do or be or have anything that you could ever want.

Sounds good, doesn’t it? It certainly helped convince my child mind to behave in a certain way so that God and St. Peter and the rest of them would accept me into the kingdom for my own afterlife.

That is not how I see heaven anymore.

That version feels like a good way of keeping people in check.

The New Way

There is a new way to see the kingdom of heaven.

We say it’s a new way, but really it is not new. It has always been available. It is a matter of choice in deciding to see it or not. And having the knowledge and awareness to do so.

So all are born aware that the kingdom of heaven can be made manifest in the life that you live now on Earth. That is the message of the ancient so-called prophets. That the kingdom of heaven can be made now, in your own life.

How is this so?

It takes first changing your consciousness on what the kingdom of heaven is. Is it an afterlife, for eternity or otherwise? Is it a prize for living a good life aligned to the teachings of the church or particular dogma? Is it a blessing?

We will say this. Yes, yes it is a blessing.

But it is not a prize for living in accordance to dictates and structures. No structure made by humankind ever has had it right about what it takes to live a good life in accordance with the will of God.

The reason for this is that the will of God speaks directly to you. You just have to listen inside with the knowing that this can be so.

God does not need an outside source to communicate to you. God can and does speak or act through others, but be careful of those wishing to control you in some way.

Control is not the way of God.

See God is like this puppet maker who lets the puppets play freely, without being attached to the movements of their strings. But the strings are always there, connecting the puppets to the puppet creator.

Humans are not puppets. They do as they wish. They have free choice. But they do have connection to their creator. And the creative source that flows to you is what gives you the dictates of living right.

Living Right

Living right, we will say.

Living right is a better concept than saying doing good. But we will not speak of living right as if it is contrary to living wrong.

To live right means to live in accordance with divine will and wisdom. To live right is to allow the creative source energy that gives you life and creates your world to flow through you in perfect order.

If there were a wrong way of living, it is only by choice to do so. The choose to live in ways that serve only your ego and not God. We will not claim you as wrong or bad, only that you have chosen to shunt off your connection to a higher purpose as God would have you know.

So to connect to a higher purpose means to be tuned in. To listen to the creative source energy coming to you. To allow it to animate your life. Not as a puppet, but as a chooser to do so.

You may not be forced by the creator’s hand, but you can choose to vibrate along side it and work with it and manifest hand in hand with it.


The Conscience?

You can choose to align to the devil or the angel on your shoulder.

The devil often whispers to do things that you know will bring much gain quickly, but will also incur feelings of remorse and regret. And worse. Worse feelings stem from continuing to follow the voice of the devil.

The angel, on the other hand, tells you choices that lead you to higher places and better feelings. These choices are not always clear or easy to perceive, and may take some time and faith and belief to manifest in the ways that you may see them.

That is the way to the kingdom of heaven. Lift yourself higher and feel better and see things in a greater way.

You may visualize this. You may see it in your mind’s eye. You may even see it in the world around you.

Follow the angels. Heed the advice of ones who may lift you rather than those that may drag you down.

Feel the energy of the creator’s love pouring through you as you align to divine will…

And to divine truth…

And to divine peace….

And to divine wisdom…

And to divine love…

To the divine vision of perfection that can be made as the kingdom of heaven made manifest in your own earthly lives.

To see with eyes of wonder at everything you behold, to see it all as a magnificent aspect of the transcendent whole that is creation, is to see with the eyes of creator. It is to see with the eyes of love.

Be in your love now and always.

Claim your own kingdom of heaven, here and now, in this lifetime, not the next, or the next, or the one after that one.

Don’t plan for your afterlife, claim your now life!

Be at peace.


Thank you for reading.


Please comment below with your own claim of the kingdom of heaven you may see in your now lifetime.

And please share with others who may do the same.

Many blessings to you all,
