Word Art Soul Connection black text over sun in blue sky photo


To confirm is to go into agreement with. Is to go into congruence with. Is to align to. Is to allow.

Confirming allows.

Whatever someone does can be agreed to or not.

If others agree to what is done, it is allowed.

If others do not disagree to what is done, it is allowed.

What is agreed to is allowed

You must see this. When you witness someone say something, do something, you have choices. You can agree or disagree. You can allow or not allow.

What choices do you allow your fellows to make?

When do you not agree when you should?

When do you agree when you should not?

Please allow time. Time is not your enemy. But too much time can allow a time bomb to go off.

You must know what you feel about what you witness before you. You must become acutely aware of it.

You must perceive the truth of what is before you. It must be what it is. You cannot control it.

You only control your choice. You choose to allow or you do not.

So what?

Ok, so what does this all mean?

Readers have asked for examples.

First an obvious one, an example of the time bomb mentioned above.

This time bomb is famous for its atrocities in 1930s and 40s Germany. Hitler. The man who far too many people accepted despite his behavior, despite his words, despite what he did. People allowed him to go on. People went into choice to let it happen, some even to condone his actions.

Yet not all agreed. That was their choice in that time as well. Some actively resisted him.

And some passively did nothing and therefore simply allowed him to be.

What about something more personal?

I once worked with someone who was at first the newest member of the team, then suddenly one of my direct supervisors. Or at least she thought of herself that way.

You see, she took it upon herself to hunt me down all of the time to be on task or to give me busy work. Despite the fact that the superior manager to both of us never pressed me in this way and allowed me to work as I had always done.

That was part of the problem. Our boss allowed it, allowed this woman to supervise me in this way.

And I allowed it, too. I went to work every day and put up with the pestering, annoying way she treated me.

Eventually she actually requested that my entire desk be turned so that she could see my computer screen. This would allow her to watch me work so she could make sure that I was doing what I needed to.

I could have stood up for myself and set some boundaries with her. But it was only when it had gotten severe that I finally pushed back, and then we were both in the office having a talk with our boss.

At the end of the day our boss was hardly bothered by our bickering and just wanted us to get along. She tried to find ways to ease the tension. It didn’t exactly work, though, and I was soon done with the job.

But the lesson for me still remains. I should have given some resistance to being treated like that before it had gotten too far.

Can you remember a time when you allowed someone to do something you didn’t actually agree with? What did you do? What would you do differently if you had a second chance at it?

Please answer in the comments.

And remember to share this post if it resonated with you.


Thank you for reading.

Blessings to you all,


2 Replies to “Does Confirmation Have a Place in the Modern World?”

  1. I think I know what you are getting at with this blog and it’s a good point.
    …….To realize what you are agreeing with or allowing because of verbally expressing so or equally approving by non-verbally ‘going along with’ the issue by your action or inaction.
    ………Disagreeing can be expressed in the same manner. Verbally or by action or lack of action.
    So be conscious of what you are conveying as your belief/truth by your words and actions (of lack of)

    Examples would have helped to make it clearer.

    1. Judy, thanks for the feedback. See the revision answering your request for examples to help make the post more clear.

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