Word Art Soul Connection black text over sun in blue sky photo, Subtitle Sunday Theme: Spirituality and transformationSC#11:

What Is It that We Call ‘Bad?’

Good vs. Evil.

It’s an age old tale.

What is it that we call evil, that we call bad?

Where does this judgement come from?

Is there a source of evil?

Is there a switch to turn on the dark in the room?

The darkness only exists because of the absence of light.

What happens to evil when you shine light on it?

Those Things We Call Bad…

It is bad to do this, it is bad to do that. We tell each other these things.

We tell our children, our friends, our coworkers, our employees, our students…

Don’t do that for it is bad, we may say.

What are bad things? Who comes up with this? In one place a bad thing may be a good thing in another place.

Does that make it ok that everything is relative?

Relativism is not a solution to so-called problems or ills of the world. Oh, just let them do that thing, they have always done it.

So where do we get a sense of it? How do we discern the truth?

Raise It to the Light

Darkness is only the absence of light.

So-called bad deeds are only done in the opposition to the light.

What is the light?

You may call it God, the Universe, All That Is…

Or maybe most fitly we could call it Love.

Is a thing done in Love? Is it helpful or harmful?

Humans have free choice. They can choose to follow the light, or they can look away.

Not accepting God, not accepting the Love of All That Is, is like walking out on a perfectly sunny day and looking to the shadows.

This may be done. The choice is always yours. You may look to the Light or you may live in shadows.

What you do in these places is your choice as you allow it.

Do you choose to be so-called good? Or do you choose its opposite?

Who creates these ideas of good and bad?

Do you have answers to these questions?


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Blessings to all,
