Word Art Wild Card Day handwritten font on illustration of cards, Subtext Friday Theme: Any theme

When Truth Is As Strange As Fiction

Last week I joked about the phrase: “The truth is out there,” and mentioned how that post was not about extraterrestrials or UFOs.

And this week I will openly admit to my personal belief in such realities. Not for the function of revealing these concepts, for that is not my purpose.

The purpose for this open communication is to discuss some of the messages received from what you could classify as “otherworldly” sources.

And this is because the information that I have found from some of these “ETs” are so enriching and empowering that it really doesn’t matter the source. I only offer it as a point of reference for those who wish to explore the topic more.

So for this post I thank my ET friends Bashar and Elan.

For those who are not familiar, Bashar is an entity you could call alien that has been channeled by the very earthly man, Darryl Anka, for over thirty years. Yes, this contact has been happening since the 1980s.

Likewise, a similar alien entity named Elan offers his teachings in a parallel manner, credited to obscure channeler Andrew Bayuk, about whom I can find little on save the audio clips on YouTube.

For trademark and copyright purposes, I tread lightly and defer most of the teachings to their sources. Especially that of Bashar at the web site, https://www.bashar.org, where you can find more information. I do not get anything from you clicking the link, I only offer it as a service to you.

Two Visions, One Teaching

One of the overarching teachings of both Bashar and Elan is that of what they call the “decision.” We all understand that word at a basic level, but let me explain the greater significance as it has been offered by them, for it is very empowering.

The idea is that when you make a decision about something, anything, you in essence are that, right then and there, immediately.

This may be hard to accept from the point of view of the lives we have learned to live, where many things, most things in fact, take time to become. We set an intention for who we want to be, and we believe we must partake of a set of steps and routines in order to get there.

However, what Elan explains is that making a decision about who you are is more like putting on a new pair of clothes. You do not need to work towards becoming the person in the new pair of clothes, you simply put them on and are the person in the new clothes.

Likewise, if you wish to say that you are a confident, patient, understanding person, in essence you are that immediately. You do not have to “practice” patience and understanding or “build” your confidence. You can simply be patient, confident and understanding, right now.

How’s that, you say? What if I lose my patience a moment later? What if I feel a lack of confidence the next day?

The teaching continues by explaining that this is where faith and trust come into play. You must continue to believe the decision you have made, despite any and all outward experiences.

In other words, you and you alone are the one deciding. When a situation comes up that disagrees with your decision or flies right in the face of it, it is really simply an opportunity for you to reaffirm your decision.

In the face of impatience you can choose to reaffirm your decision to be patient. In the loss of confidence you can choose to reaffirm your decision to be confident. And in the face of disagreement with another you can choose to reaffirm your decision to be understanding.

This and this alone is how we make a decision about who we are. In essence, it’s just the same as putting on the new clothes and walking out the door with those clothes on, owning those clothes and not caring one bit about what others say to you about the clothes or what may happen to the clothes. Even a stain on those clothes does not have to deter you from continuing to be proud to wear your new clothes.

Have faith in your decision. The more you continue this practice, the more the decision will “stick” and the less the outward experience will need to show you anything contrary to the decision you have made.

The teachings from Bashar are quite identical in this. The example Bashar offered may be seen in another light to help clarify this concept for you. It can also be extended to include a larger concept.

Bashar has taught that if you wish to change your reality, make a decision about who you are and the life you are living, it is as simple as changing the channel. In essence, the life we live is our portal on experience, it is “our” life. But others are living their own lives, in their own channels.

Our channel is our choice. Just like the station we may be watching on TV, or our favorite streaming device. We choose the channel we wish to see and when we are no longer interested in the program, we change the channel.

So, too, Bashar says, we can do with our lives. We see the life before us because we have chosen that channel to live. But if we wish to change it, at any moment, we can.

This is a grand concept and possibly hard to believe. But believe it if you wish, and it could prove to be very empowering.

What if you had the power to change the channel on your life, at any moment? What if you could simply decide to be the person you say you prefer to be, and simply be that?

What channel would you choose?

What new clothes would you wear?

What decision would you make for yourself?

How would it change your life?


Please answer these questions in the comments if you feel guided to. And share this post with those who wish to empower themselves in their lives. (Thanks!)

Hope you enjoyed. As always, thank you for reading.


Many blessings to you all,
