This entry is part 7 of 11 in the series The Fear Grid

Word Art Young Titan Zone black text over red brick background. Subtitle Tuesday Theme: Expanding idealistic young minds.


The Fear Grips Again

My ongoing writings cited for future use as a graphic novel. Enjoy.

Start from the beginning.

What follows is a fictional account.

The Fear Grid, Part 7

Purity was frozen in fear.

The dark, shadowy figure loomed still, three or four heads taller than her. It’s reaching claw came towards her with a wavy, smoke-like movement.

It gripped Purity in its hold, pain searing through her shoulder. It carried her forward, walking across the gym floor, past and through all the others, and straight out the side of the building with a crash of bricks and metal.

As the dust and rubble settled from the collision, Purity could see that they were outside the school in the basketball courts. It was empty, still, and pitch black. The only other thing there was the creature, and Purity was not even sure if she could call it a living thing.

The shadow form held her, lifting her towards its face area. The pain continued to course through her muscles and flesh. A rotting sensation began to creep into her bones.

Purity was right in front of the creature’s head, and the darkness that was it’s face, or more accurately NOT its face, suddenly opened up. It was like an abysmal chasm for a maw, no jaw or teeth or otherwise inside. Just blackness.

The creature moved Purity closer to the maw. She was totally freaking out inside, yet could not seem to move her body or her mouth. So she focused all her thought on needing help to get out of there. She prayed for her guardian angel, as her grandmother used to teach her. She had never felt so desperate for help.

Everything stopped. Purity had this sense of ease overcome her. The shadow monster was still. A bright, white glow rose in brilliance, all the way from a spark into a massive orb of light that engulfed the entire area… basketball courts, side of school, and all.

A woman’s voice called out as if by some strange fluke, “Hi, dear,” it soothed liltingly.

Who was that? So calm…

“There is nothing to fear now,” said the woman, and in the next moment she lifted her hands towards her shadowed form holding me. She cupped her two palm sides together, fingers extended open in a strange pattern. A blue-white beam of light began to resonate between her hands and extended from her core outward in a line towards the monster.

As soon as the light touched the monster, the creature began to shake as if itself in fear. It wass as though it sensed the end of its existence coming. The light penetrated it slowly at first, making nothing more than a pinhole cut in its dark, etheric side. Then it grew and magnified in intensity until the shadow filled with a warm light from within.

When the creature was completely saturated with light, the woman seemed satisfied and ceased her activity of sending the light towards it. She stood tall, dusting off her hands and her pure, white dress suit, as if the spell had left some residue.

Purity was set down on the ground, and the clutch upon her released. She stepped back to watch, in awe, and stood beside the strange woman in white. A moment later, the shadow monster, now completely coated in brightness, exploded outward in a dazzling display of light that went off in every direction. Some passed through Purity, and far from being painful, it felt ecstatic. She felt lifted and healed by the light. She felt renewed and whole in the light. Like she remembered how worthy she was, all at once, and it changed everything.

“See,” said the woman. “No big deal.”

“Ok,” Purity said, finding her voice coming back to her. She also felt as if the fear energy and the dark world around her had subsided tremendously, though not fully. “It IS a big deal. I mean, what just happened? Who are you? What was that? What is still going on inside that gym? Aren’t you going to stop it? Do that magic again?”

“Child, dearly beloved, Purity, child, please,” the woman consoled to no end. “Do not fret. You have many questions. You will have your answers. I transmuted fear energy into pure light and dispersed it throughout the universe as the renewed energy of love. My name is Gabriela. That was a fear demon. There are still more inside the gym. I will not save the ones inside the gym, you will. I have come to assist you, and to teach you.”

“Well, ok,” fumbled Purity. “Those answers seem solid and they came really easily to you. Ok. You seem to know a thing or two about this…I guess… but me, I have no clue! This is beyond weird. I mean, how does this even happen?”

Gabriela smiled a broad, silly grin and moved her head wistfully. “This, my child, is the Fear Grid. It is a collective energy that has helped design the entire world that you live in today. Everything you live and experience holds the element of a potential fear. And this fear, once acted upon, will seek to recreate itself and create more and new kinds of itself. Everyone has their own personal fears. And as a society, there are great, big fears. And all this fearful thinking and doing that the world has done together, for so long, has created a powerful matrix of energies that are far from love. For if they were loved, they would not be problems, but solutions. And when the darkness becomes so problematic, it needs inspired solutions.”

“Um, what?” Purity was really going bonkers now.

“Let me put it to you more simply,” the woman in white offered. “Humans have long lived in fear, and that constant focus has resulted in the creation of a very fearful world. What is given attention to manifests, and all the fears that society and individuals have taken on over human history is becoming this alternate reality of fear energy that dwells in the same space as your own civilization. Therefore, the Fear Grid is quite literally an energy vortex of fear that has encircled and covered your entire planet Earth.”

“Ok,” said Pure, “so, how does that help me? And how come you won’t save the rest of them inside the gym? They need help, now! Not after some long chat.”

“It won’t be long,” Gabriela assured. “And I am going to teach you this right now. Because you are actually ready to learn it, more than you know. I wouldn’t have come here to you if it were otherwise.” She smiled again. “So, start with this intention: love, pure love, unfiltered, unconditional, true, heavenly love.”

So Purity, despite anything she was consciously thinking, found herself turning her mind to only one thing: this true, intentional, pure, heavenly love that was being offered. It was rolling through the back of her mind, under her other thoughts of “this is crazy,” and “I need to get out of here,” and “it is very intriguing though,” and the like. She couldn’t shake the idea of love, and this warm, soothing feeling overwhelmed her.

“Good, you are doing very good, Purity,” the woman coached. “Now focus. More focus. Keep building that love up within you. Not just some spark of love in your heart, but a loving light that spreads out within your body, and pulsates to the edges of your inner skin, then bursts forth from your body in a loving orb of light all around you. This love, this light, grows in size beyond you, and your light body grows in size. You are now giant, a massive light body and orb of love, and you are touching the heavens with your fingertips and the root of the earth with your toes. Imagine it, feel it, use it. Funnel that love into the center of the palms of your hands and put your hands together in front of your heart. Feel the energy between your hands build. A warmth, a tingling, a pleasant sensation.”

Purity did as instructed and gaped in awe the moment she felt the energy between her hands.

“You are very powerful, Purity, channel that power,” the white-suited woman yelled over a sudden roar of wind. “Use your power to sweep away these wicked fear beasts. Send your love and your light into the gym. Clear away that darkness!”

As if by command, Purity opened up everything she felt within and poured that ecstatic, loving feeling from her core, through her arms, and out her hands. A wave of white light seeped forth about a foot in length. It pittered off at the end, as if out of energy.

“Amazing,” Gabriela lighted. “Now move it. Tell it where to go. Use your mind to speak to the light.”

Purity tried the lesson, and focused her thoughts to get the light to move. At first it just jumped here and there at the end, like a small animal yapping at something to the sides of it. She couldn’t quite get it to listen.

Then, as she kept trying, she noticed how it began to settle down a bit. Purity also noted how she herself was in a calmer state, as well. The stress of trying to make it work was keeping her tense, but easing in and allowing it made the light more malleable. The more relaxed she was, the more the light responded.

“That’s it! You’ve got it! Now time to save those people. Send in the light!”

Gabriela’s call to action inspired Purity so much that she did engage with the process, fully committed. She sent that light straight for the gym and for all of the terrified students and staff of Infinity High. Purity could just feel the fear and sadness the people were experiencing within. She just wanted it to stop, for the pain to stop. She wanted all those people to be ok.

Her beam of light twitched and fluttered and moved wildly at first. But the more Purity focused, the more it became a well-guided line of energy. It raced towards the gym. But it lost steam, got weaker. It didn’t look like it was going to make it.

And then Gabriela joined forces with her, sending her own most powerful white light to meet with Purity’s. The extra power pushed the light to its goal, washing into the broken hole in the gym wall and filling the room with healing light. No cries of pain were heard, but even Purity felt an odd pain from the shadow beasts themselves as they burst and were transmuted into light.

The screams of horror from the students and staff, just prior the stuff of nightmares, ceased a moment later. The whole place was in shock. Nobody knew what to think, say, or do. People started to wonder if it hadn’t been some bad food they’d eaten, for everyone to have such terrible visions. The cook staff swore that everything had been fresh, but opted to throw out the rest of the food to appease the angry student body.

Everyone went home after that. People were just unnerved. They needed some time away from the scene. But they stuck close to each other.

“So,” Purity called out for the woman, then turned to see that she was not there. “Where’d you go?”

Her friends found her outside, amazed to see the broken wall and Purity gaping in wonder in the basketball court. They offered to take Purity home. Purity was still in a daze. They walked off the school campus and back to the sidewalks towards home.

Gavin held Purity closely, as did Leo with Grace. The four of them were quite shaken up. Nobody knew what to talk about. So they went home in silence, only wishing each other a safe good night and peaceful dreams once they got to their homes.

The Heavenly Ball had come to a rightful end.

Now a town full of confused parents were welcoming their distraught students home early from the dance.




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Blessings to you,


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