Word Art Soul Connection black text over sun in blue sky photo, Subtitle Sunday Theme: Spirituality and transformationSC#26:

The Story of Life: From Original Sin to Last Judgement

This shall be my overview of the story of humankind, particularly focusing on pieces of Biblical concepts that I see as major pivots in our evolution as a species. Not meant as a religious history, per se, as you’ll see. But still a very spiritual one.

This is my view, from lessons and musings I have had throughout my life. It by no means should trump your perspective on these topics. Nor should this be seen as the one and only, all-inclusive history.

Actually, I mean to keep each section rather brief. A brief history of the world, through pseudo Judeo-Christian concepts. Wink, wink.

Garden of Eden

God created life. There lived a man, Adam, and by whatever account she came to be, a woman, Eve. I’d see it as simultaneous, like the Yin and Yang, two sides of one whole. In any case…

This original creation of humankind lived in God’s perfect habitat: the Garden of Eden. A paradise. Basically heaven on Earth. The Kingdom of God. All things in order. All things in their right place. All life in balance and harmony, growing, living and dying in perfect accord to divine and natural laws. Bliss.

Here there was no judgement of any kind, for in God’s kingdom, all is one.

Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil

Then one day the consciousness of humankind, Adam and Eve, grew fascinated by a certain fruit of a certain tree. The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

What this did for the people was give them the impression that they knew best what was good, what was evil, what should live and what should die. The bird is good because it sings, the snake bad because it eats the baby bird. That sort of thing.

Humans are not meant to know good and evil, for their judgements upon the world are exactly what caused the split of duality and of separation.

Original Sin

The Original Sin is that separation. Not the original sin you may have heard of. This version is different.

This was the separation from allowing God’s world to be as it is. The idea that humankind could dictate how the course of things should go. That they had the knowledge of what is best and what is not. What is worthy and not.

That is the original sin of our species. To believe we know better than God. To replace God with our intellect and our ego.

Fall From Grace

This caused a Fall From Grace. Not that God punished us or kicked us out. We did it to ourselves. We believed ourselves other than, apart from God, separate, knowing better how to live in the world and tend to it.

So we caused ourselves to fall into a world where God was not. A world outside the Garden, the Kingdom. We chose a world of illusions. A dream world.

Adam and Eve Asleep

Adam and Eve, the original concepts for humankind, fell Asleep. They left the paradise that God created for a world that their ego created. A world of separation, illusions, duality. A world where there is joy and pain, triumph and struggle, ease and suffering.

In God’s world, the reality of the divine nature of the universe, there is only love. But in believing there is good and evil, so was evil born and all the troublesome experiences that go with that. But they are just a bad dream, not real, illusory in the end.

Human History

So the course of Human History unfolded. Kingdoms were built, laws enforced, conflict born in all ways. Kings ruled with mighty hands, priests dictated the rules of heaven through earthly egos, and people lived in hardship and strife.

There were ages of war, enslavement, and control. There was fear. There was torment. And sure, there were golden ages here and there… They are called such because of their rarity.

The Teachers

Teachers arose. The prophets we have heard of. Most notably came one that teaches to this day: Jesus.

Jesus was a man who spit out the seed of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. He remembered who he was and he remembered God’s truth. He remembered that paradise that was the Garden of Eden, he remembered Heaven, the light that we all are in truth. And he taught it to all the world who would hear his message.

Dark Ages

Even after Jesus (and others) left his mark, his teaching upon the world, it was not enough. The illusion of the reality of good and evil was still too strong for humankind. They held fast to the dream of separation.

Dark Ages ensued for many centuries. Squalor and suffering, fear and subjugation. Humankind had grasped a glimpse of a teaching that had offered light and healing, and tried to hold fast to it. But even the teaching was skewed and slanted and diluted and reflected in flawed ways by those who purported to teach it best.

Until more recent times when enlightenment became more possible. When reality began to shift again.

Dreamers Awaken

All the teachings come to us still, from the old books and newer texts and teachers. There are more updated teachings from Jesus, less dated. And there are many, many other teachers today. Perhaps more than ever.

That is because the Dreamers Awaken. This is a time of great empowerment, of self-empowerment, group-empowerment, for individuals and for the whole of humanity. People become more tuned into the spiritual nature of their beings. They receive guidance and teachings from the light. They awaken to their true nature and the real possibility of returning to the Garden of Eden.

Second Coming of Christ

This is the time all have expected: the Second Coming of Christ. This does not mean that Jesus Christ will ride in on a magical cloud and wash away our sins, take our hands, and carry us to heaven (if we are faithful).

This coming of Christ is the Christ within us all. The true power of Christ is the power of God moving through us, each and every one of us. We all can awaken to the innate Christ within us, the soul we are, the being from heaven that has chosen to come live in a world of illusion and separation.

The second coming of Christ is the awareness that we need no longer live in fear and separation. That we can return home. That we are more than the body.

The End Times

The End Times are not some sort of Armageddon or destruction of the world. Through it may be seen as an end of the old world, the world of illusions. The illusion of time itself.

For in God’s reality there is no time. Eternity is the opposite of time, without beginning or end. Time was a creation humans have had to perceive in order to live in a world separate from eternity. Though you are still eternal beings in truth. The end times then are truly the “end of time.” The end of the illusion.

Last Judgement

The Last Judgement is not a weighing of the good and bad we have done in life. It is not a counting of sins and repentances. God in truth sees through all veils of illusion to know that we are already sinless. We need only forgive ourselves the sins, not have Christ or God forgive them. To them we are perfect already, already worthy of returning home to Heaven. For in truth we have never left. We have just been dreaming that we did.

The last judgement then is the final judgment we make to no longer make judgements at all. We judge judgement itself as faulty and the cause of our separation. For where there is no judgement, there is unity of purpose and cause and reality is reunited as one, without opposite.

The Prodigal Son Returns Home

When this last judgement is made for the self, by the self, God extends his hand to welcome you. In truth God always welcomed you, was always there watching and waiting and loving and caring for you, never left your side. It is simply that you have needed to remember.

This is when the Prodigal Son Returns Home. God cares not for the mistakes you think you made, the wrongs you think you did, the sins you think cannot be forgiven. They are all already forgiven. God is simply happy to see his son, his daughter return home from their long separation in the dream of the ego.

The Resurrection

The true teaching of the resurrection is not the overcoming of death in this physical body. It is the overcoming of death altogether, remembering that you are eternal, and that you dwell always in the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven.

This is the return to the Garden of Eden. Come full circle. Alpha and Omega. Welcome this return. Be happy that it is here now. Rejoice that God is good and that God’s love sees you through all the dark times that have been. The darkness is fading now. The light is returning to your vision. See it and call out: “Thank you, God!”

Be well, my friends. The end of your separation is at hand. Return to God and feel the love. Feel the peace. Feel the joy. Feel the perfection. You are divine beings, children of God all, and God welcomes you home with wide open arms.


Thank you for reading this summary version of human history. The message is for your good. Please tell me what you learned from it and how it may have helped you.


Share this blessing, this story, this wonderful message to all so that all may benefit.

Blessings to all,
