Word Art Soul Connection black text over sun in blue sky photo, Subtitle Sunday Theme: Spirituality and transformationSC#13:

Man Made In the Image of God

The traditions tend to favor a story in which God has made man in his image.

This makes sense, from most perspectives, right?

For God to make all creation and for man to be in it, why would God not make man in the image of God himself? And, ahem, herself?

I know, I’m already stretching the bounds for many out there. Many who have only spoken of God as He, Him, His, the Father.

But then where did woman come from? Oh yea, Adam’s rib. Woman is an (unfortunate – not my idea) byproduct of man.

So man is made in God’s image and woman is an accident that came from man?

But it’s women who give birth…

Ok, I’m getting off base, but really, this stuff never made sense to me.

So for an egocentric, man-centered world, God making man in his image makes sense, doesn’t it? Helps validate our need for specialness…

After all the entire world and the universe itself, the trillions of stars and galaxies overhead, was all made for man, right?

Because man holds a special place in it all, because man is made in God’s image and all. We’re better than the plants and animals for sure. In fact many people believe themselves better than other people who don’t seem to be made in the same image of God… The root of racism and other hate-mongering…

So clearly this idea is not working out well…

God Made In the Image of Man

Oh boy.

I said it. Yes.

I believe the fault of the teaching is that it is backwards in its inception.

In these teachings that we have heard, it is not really man that was made in God’s image… It was a God that was made in the image of man.

What? Dare I say?

I do. I am a daredevil that way. Or maybe a devil’s advocate. But never a devil worshiper. I don’t believe there is a devil. Except that darkness that sits on your shoulder telling you to do things you know better than to do, that excludes or contradicts the light. The devil is only the fear that you agree with, the liar that deludes you.


Why is it that there are so many versions of God across all the religions of the world? Because each tend to make God in their own image.

More than that I am sure that if you could compare the mental image that each individual holds for God, each image would be different, too.

And how has God been ascribed with human characteristics and personalities? Why would God need to be rage-filled, wrathful, condemning, judging, punishing, guilting fearful and controlling?

God, the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving creative force that is all and is in all, that IS ALL, has no need for these human shortcomings and traits.

God help us if he did… ahem, little joke…

I do not wish to subscribe to such a limited God that acts like a man given a supreme power but acts from a limited ego perspective.

God is more than that. And it’s time for us all to know it.

Throw out the idea.

We are all made of God’s love and that is that. Image aside, we are all pure energy manifest in form and we are all love.

We are all of God and God is one with us all.

Period. Period. Period.


This is a whopper energy-shifter. Hope I raised the hairs on the back of your spine. Truly. It means the energy is moving, you are thinking, you are considering. Maybe it’s time you do…


Please comment with your thoughts and share to spread the conversation with one and all.


Many, many blessings to you all, truly,
