Word Art Wild Card Day handwritten font on illustration of cards, Subtext Friday Theme: Any theme

We Are Born Into a Matrix of Fear

We humans are given a gift. This gift is life.

But in the times we live, and have lived for so long, we are born into a challenging space of energy.

This space can be called the Matrix of Fear. This is not exactly like the movie, “The Matrix,” but that movie does offer some wonderful insights.

The fear that resides in this world today is so dense, so profuse that we may hardly see it after a while. In fact, we may never, for we have been taught since birth to agree to it. Everything we see, all we learn is from lessons of fear and to be in fear.

And so much of what we experience in fear we do not label as fear. In fact, there is only a small portion of our lives we would see in terms of actual fear.

The moments of fear can be clear: the animal might bite, that person might take my job, I might lose my house.

But there are other factors operating in fear that we do not recognize as such. And they are rampant. Fear as a general rule may be seen as the cause of all of the troubles we might experience.

A child may be born pure and innocent, but is quickly taught to fear his or her parents to the extent that the parents make the rules and can take or give what the child wants. Some parents even give or take their love for the child based on the child’s behavior.

Kids learn to fear authority. They learn to worry about grades and rules, often which don’t make sense to them. Teens struggle desperately these days to keep up with their fears about getting the best test scores and honors in order to get into the best schools… only to come out of college in fear of the debt of student loans, fear of getting work, and fear of making enough to pay the bills.

People today even put fear on each other in order to “act appropriately.” We are taught to be seen by others in ways that others will approve of. Who says you can’t wear polka-dotted shirts with striped pants and moon boots? But because people would judge you for that choice, mock and ridicule you in public, you are fearful to express yourself as you may wish.

This Matrix of Fear is everywhere and is controlling every choice and impulse we may make, mostly unbeknownst to ourselves.

We Are Taught How To Make a To-Do List In Fear

The temptation when reading a post like this is to say, “My God! He’s right! Fear is everywhere and is controlling me and should be dealt with and overcome!”

And this will put you in fear of the ideas I am discussing. And that is not the point. This is not a fearful post. This is educational. It’s about awareness. With awareness comes the possibility of change.

And the change that is required is to know when and where you are operating in fear. In what ways do you make a “To-Do List of Fear?”

Think about it for a minute. What things do you do? They may not be what they seem. They may even seem benign, even helpful things that are really done from a place of fear.

Marriage is a common contract that is created in fear. If we sign the paper, if we perform the act of marriage in front of our friends and family, that must mean we pledge our lives to be spent together. But what is underlying many of these weddings is the fear that the other may leave. And the other may. It is always a choice of any individual if they stay in a relationship or not. No level of fear should hold someone where they do not wish to be.

We may even prescribe to simple practices, like aiding a politician’s campaign by placing a bumper sticker on your car or a sign in your lawn. Now, be honest, do you really think that this act on your part is changing any single person’s mind about who they will vote for? No. Then who do you do it for?

You do it for yourself, for your family, your friends. You do it because if you do not contribute in the ways that you can, you may not be who you claim to be, you may not be the good, caring citizen that you wish to show yourself as. Maybe somehow you are not doing your part to make a better world by not proclaiming your position. But this is not the case. You are only confirming the fear that your family, friends, spouse, even self may think less of you.

And when you confirm fear, you shake hands with it and you give fear power. You tell fear, yes, you may be here and continue to be what you are. You may continue to run the show, to call the shots, to create things in my life that are in fear, or are fearful. I will continue to look at you and live a life in fear, choosing from my daily “To-Do List of Fear.”

If you knew better, would you still choose fear? If you could see fear where it lies, would you shake hands with it? What could you choose instead?

The alternative, it is said, and by many, many teachers today and throughout the ages, is Love. If you are not choosing in fear, you are choosing in love. You are not agreeing to do things from the worry that things will not work out if you do not do such-and-such, or if you do do such-and-such.

When you choose in love, you choose in ways that will not be fearful, that will lift you and those around you, and will benefit the world in ways you can only begin to imagine.


Will you leave your “To-Do List of Fear” behind?

Will you choose love instead?

Will you make love known as the predominant energy of choice and experience in the world?

Will you overturn the Matrix of Fear in favor of a Grid of Light?


Thank you again for reading. I hope this post helps bring awareness to you.


Please comment and share and join me in energizing the Grid of Light to overcome the Matrix of Fear.

Many blessings to you all,
