Character Profile 2: Sherena Torin

Vocation: Student with goal to enchant garments for parent’s tailoring business
Path to Vocation: At least four years of magic training, more for better mastery of the enchanting needed for her goals
Vocational Skills: Understanding tailoring and fashion, reading runes and preparing reagents and scrolls, using enchanting spells

The Fear Grid, Part 5

This entry is part 5 of 11 in the series The Fear Grid

Purity couldn’t understand what was happening, nor could she release the feeling of terror consuming her mind and body. Her hands were clammy, her heart beat like a racehorse, and her eyes were as wide as if someone had taped them open.

Still she could not manage to see what had frightened the clerk so much. She could not see whatever was above her. The thing she began to feel and perceive as there, lurking about, looking down at her. She knew something was there. She just wanted to know what it was!