Word Art Soul Connection black text over sun in blue sky photo, Subtitle Sunday Theme: Spirituality and transformationSC#16:

The Cosmic Self

Have you ever seen the movie, “2001: A Space Odyssey?”

It’s a bit dated and takes a certain amount of patience. I’ll be honest… its takes a lot of patience. It’s almost less a movie and more of a space symphony set to images. (And a really iconic score, to be sure).

Ahem, I’m sure my simple overview is going to ruffle some film fanatics’ feathers out there. I will agree with them that it was a groundbreaking work in its own right, and Stanley Kubrick, the director, has had a big influence on film history. But it does take some patience to watch.

Anyway the point of bringing this up is actually to highlight one of the most interesting scenes in the film. It’s the ending, well after the whole spacey trip through time, space, and consciousness that is the rest of the movie.

The scene is a view of the Earth from space. As the camera slowly zooms out we take in this massive form of a baby encapsulated in some sort of huge blue bubble. It’s like a giant space baby.

I heard it said that this represented an evolution of the human consciousness to the next stage. Whether this is the true message of the film or not, I’m running with it.

The idea being that humankind has moved through this film from the Stone Age, as in the start, through the Space Age, and finally has come to a new point of being as Superconsciousness or Evolved Human.

This could be called the Cosmic Self. The Self that is the Wholeness of Humanity. The Oneness that we all are. The Collective Mind. This baby is a new start.

If we truly acted as one mind, one species, one people globally, we would be acting from a much higher place, a higher perspective. And the world would be a very different place indeed.

Where We Are Now

Are we acting as the Cosmic Self, a Collective Mind, a Superconsciosuness of Global Oneness?

No. Not yet. Any look around us would tell us as much.

But are we near?

Maybe. Probably. It’s likely.

I believe it may really be possible for humans to achieve this very phenomenon, and soon. How soon I couldn’t say. It may or may not happen in this lifetime we now live. But who knows? Anything is possible.

It really depends on the choices we make, individually and collectively. We could be there in an instant, if everyone were on board with it and made the shift in consciousness. This is unlikely.

Because first everyone has to know it’s possible. And they have to realize how. And they have to want to do so.

So can we evolve to the next phase of our consciousness, from what some may call the third dimension of consciousness that we now exist in to the next, that of fourth dimension?

What is fourth dimension even about?

I think it’s safe to say that we likely will not really know until we are there.

But I think the general consensus of those who follow this idea is that it will be of great benefit to all people to be in the next level of consciousness. That there is a wholeness, a oneness, a knowing of the truth of who and what we are.

Having this Oneness will benefit all as we all work together for common ends, rather than live in separation and conflict, limitation and fear.

Wouldn’t you like to see a world like that? With unity of purpose for all?

How We Can Evolve

I believe that Jesus and Buddha and those like them are the examples, in a lot of ways. I believe their stories, their words and actions, their very beingness were shining examples of the higher consciousness that humankind can attain.

Their examples show a way of living in Love, emanating love and peace and harmony. They show compassion, understanding, healing and wisdom. There are even extraordinary abilities available at this level. Abilities which may be quite normal for a higher consciousness, but only seem extraordinary from the outside.

So, the question is, can we all attain a similar level of consciousness as these teachers and masters have shown us?

I believe we can. In fact, I believe we are already well on our way. Many of us are taking our courses now. Courses in higher consciousness. Courses taught by the very lives we live and the teachings and experiences we go through.

It could be likened to a college education in next level consciousness. If we are in, as they say, 3D consciousness now moving towards 4D…

Then we could be taking our 300 level classes in our Higher Consciousness major:

HC 301 – Awareness
HC 302 – Presence and the Moment of Now
HC 303 – Sensing the Fields of Vibration
HC 310 – Getting to Know the Other
HC 312 – Understanding Negativity and Toxicity
HC 313 – Transmuting Negative and Toxic Energies
HC 330 – Seeing the Other As the Same as the Self
HC 350 – Seeing the Divine In All Things
HC 357 – Understanding the Concepts of Judgement
HC 370 – A Practicum on the Energy of Fear
HC 371 – Advanced Study of the Energy of Hate
HC 371 – Advanced Study of the Energy of War
HC 390 – Releasing and Transmuting Fear
HC 398 – Preparing For Transition

Until at last we move on to the next level of studies:

HC 401 – New Awareness and the Cosmic Self

I laid out a bare framework of this from my perspective, recognizing a certain series of understandings that may move one along this “third dimensional” consciousness towards a higher perception of consciousness.

This by no means encompasses all the possible knowledge, experiences, and understandings one might possibly garner in their own evolution. But if I were to design a college level course in this, it might very well follow this pathway to a great extent.

I don’t feel I need to go into great detail on the subject matter I listed. I will let your imagination fill in the gaps.


Of course if you have questions or want clarity or more information on any of this, please feel free to comment below.


Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed this concept.

And it’s most appreciated when you share these posts with others who may be interested in their own evolution.

Many blessings to all in their quest for higher consciousness,
