The Fear Grid, Part 9

This entry is part 9 of 11 in the series The Fear Grid

It was pitch black. Purity couldn’t see even an inch in front of her. She was overcome with fear. What if there were something in here? Where if there was some other spider monster, or worse? These thoughts did not console her. But the sound of thunderous booming outside reminded her why she’d ducked into this cave. At least she’d stand a chance in hiding. Outside had seemed a sure end.

Witch Town, Part 8

This entry is part 8 of 11 in the series Witch Town

—SKELETON JOE walks into the dining hall loaded with bags on every conceivable part of his bone structure.
Hey Esda.
Hey Skeleton Joe. Need a hand?
—Esda helps lighten the skeleton’s load as much as she can, but ends up carrying too much herself and almost topples over.
Where did the Cacklers get the time to pack all of this when they were running from the school?
Beats me.