Word Art Soul Connection black text over sun in blue sky photo, Subtitle Sunday Theme: Spirituality and transformationSC#20:
(Be sure to read the follow-up post as well, “I Am a Defenseless Son of God”)

I Am a Guiltless Son of God

Greetings my fellow people of light!

It has been some time since I have been blogging, as concerns in my personal life became major distractions. Although perhaps I allowed myself to indulge in a bit of laziness as well. But that’s ok.

And why?

Because I am a guiltless son of God.

There is no reason for me to feel guilty about the things I have done, just as I should not feel guilty for those things I have not done. Simply because I have not been writing or accomplishing my goals as I have intended is no reason to lay guilt upon myself. A simple reminder that in the eyes of God I am guiltless may suffice. No worries.

What a crappy feeling to put on yourself, to give, or to receive from others… to feel guilty about doing something “wrong,” or not doing what you intend.

I have clients that tell me all the time how they “really should be working out more,” or “stretching more,” or “eating better.” And equally, the world around us can tell us to do or not do certain things to fulfill others’ expectations of us.

Personally I often feel as though I need to work more, work harder, write more, apply myself more to my goals and dreams. And when I don’t do it for days, even weeks, I start to beat myself up about it.

And there are other feelings of guilt for things I’ve done in my past that may crop up and “haunt” me. I try always to release these feelings, knowing they do not serve me in any way but to make me feel bad. And one cannot undo the past anyways, so why ruminate so?

Surely you, too, have felt guilty about something done or undone…

The Teachings of a Legend

Louise L. Hay taught many years ago, as in her popular book “You Can Heal Your Life,” that having “shoulds” in our life actually cause more pain and suffering than any positive gain.

Why is that?

Well, as she explained, when we say to ourselves “I should,” or when someone else tells you that “you should,” it sets up an expectation. When that expectation is met, fine. But so often we do not meet the expectation… or maybe at first we do, but cannot continue to meet the demand. And when we fail to do “as we should,” we feel the negative consequences of regret, blame, and guilt.

These feelings build up in our mind/body/spirit. They end up leading to aches and pains (maybe that “pain in the neck” is more literally the person telling you what to do… perhaps you should tell them to “get off your back” to ease that back pain.)

Or maybe you feel that you have a “heavy soul” because of the expectations you have to fulfill certain functions for yourself or for others. Wouldn’t you rather have “peace of mind?”

Guilt Is As Guilt Does

To feel guilty, we project guilt on others, just as others may project their guilt upon us, and in turn we may feel guilty. It is a vicious circle of projection.

We have barely even touched the greater types of guilt we may feel in life.

For there are guilty feelings put upon us for all manner of behavior, perceived by ourselves or others. Most of this guilt is perceived this way in light of teachings we have been given, passed down for ages through school and religion and law and culture.

Our parents lay guilt upon us when we do not act the way they wish us to, or when we make decisions for our lives that they do not agree with. Have you felt that?

Teachers can use guilt to make impressionable, young students feel bad about not accomplishing the expectations put forth in school. Get good grades, get a college degree to get that good job, or else… Or else what? Are you a bad person if you think and live differently?

Lawmakers in many ways operate largely on guilt, for when one commits a crime or perceived crime there are repercussions and punishments. Guilt is a punishable offense, and judges are there to lay a heavy hand of guilt upon those they see as wrongdoers (not just in criminal cases, but civil as well.)

Religion… well, perhaps I need not expound on this touchy concept. Most who have been raised in a guilt-ridden way will know how their own particular religion operates at that level. And maybe you accept it, because it was given to you that way, given as the way of God. Or, you’ve always disliked that part of your spirituality…

Culture itself has built up its own mechanisms of guilt. At least that is my experience growing up and living in the West, in America. For when you do not act “normally,” when you dress or live differently, speak other than expected, or elsewise, you may feel a strong sense of guilt from those around you. This guilt is intended to “get you back in line” and live the way the culture expects you to, the way you are “supposed to behave.”

In Heaven There Is No Guilt

So, as usual, I have set up the problem. Now there must be some solutions, to which I have only hinted at so far.

This may be a hard pill for some of you to swallow, for you have become so accustomed to living with guilt that you actually expect that it is the way to live, perhaps the only way.

But I can tell you with certainty that God is not guilt and God does not create guilt, mankind does. In heaven there is no guilt, for how could there be? How could one be in heaven and feel any sense of guilt?

If the Kingdom of heaven is at hand, as they say; and as Jesus and the Buddha and others taught that we are all sons and daughters of God, at one with the creator who created us… how can any of us be in guilt?

At least, that is, if we choose to live in heaven… For we can equally choose to live in a hell we create for ourselves

“A Course In Miracles” repeatedly discusses the concept of guilt. The idea is that guilt is made by the human ego, not by God. And the only reason it may appear to be of God, to the understanding of many people, is simply because we do project this idea of guilt on God, perceiving it as coming from God when it is being created from ourselves. Our expectations for guilt instills a belief that guilt is given by God.

The course’s teaching explains that to give and to receive are the same. So if you give guilt to others, you will receive it for yourself. That is the same as the traditional saying: “Do unto others as they would do unto you.”

Remember this when you give anything to anyone: know that you will get it back. If you give guilt to your friends, your significant other, your children, or otherwise, you will receive the same back to you.

So if you express guiltlessness to others, you will receive it just the same, as will they.

God is only love, and being love only gives love and only receives love. Guilt is opposed to love, and it not given by God. The world of guilt is in direct opposition to the reality of God.

In the end we have two choices, guilt or no guilt. We cannot go halfway. Even a speck of guilt is still guilt. And could you or would you even want only a speck of heaven, if you still held onto any guilt?

Heaven is a place where there is no guilt. In heaven there is no fear. There is no punishment. These are ego creations, and are in opposition to God.

For we are all sons and daughters of God. And to enter the kingdom of heaven we must relinquish guilt.

Would you strive to see yourself as guiltless children of God?

Once you accept this and really, truly feel it, embody it, live it… you will have left the realm where hell is possible. You will enter God’s kingdom of love and light. Which according to “A Course In Miracles” is the only true reality.

The question remains, how do we do this?

To start is to simply acknowledge this concept. Simply say to yourself, “I am a guiltless son/daughter of God.” Say it with meaning, with feeling. Say it a million times if you have to. Really believe it. Feel the guilt release. Watch the world transform and ease its grip of guilt.

You do not need to be guilty… of anything you have done or haven’t done. God does not see you this way. Why should you?

Remember, you get what you give. Do not lay guilt on others, or you will feel guilty. Instead, express yourself as guiltless and give guiltlessness to all, and surely you will receive it.


Thank you for reading. I truly hope this piece resonates with you and helps you build a new perspective.


Please leave any comments and questions you may have, and share with all those who you believe may benefit from the release of guilt.

Many blessings to all,
