This entry is part 10 of 11 in the series The Fear Grid

Word Art Young Titan Zone black text over red brick background. Subtitle Tuesday Theme: Expanding idealistic young minds.


The Fear Grips Again

My ongoing writings cited for future use as a graphic novel. Enjoy.

Start from the beginning.

What follows is a fictional account.

The Fear Grid, Part 10

…Purity held her breath, closed her eyes, and anticipated her death…

Then there was a bright light, like the night of the ball. It was brilliant and overwhelming, filling the cave from wall to wall. Purity covered her eyes with her arms, not sure if it were a good sign or not.

The monsters in the room cried out as in pain. There were screeches and wails and roars and the sounds of heavy feet running hard to get away from the light.

It lasted but a moment. When it was done and the light faded, Purity dared open her eyes. What she saw was an empty room of rock and stone, with a dim light hovering in the middle. And behind the light was a figure, somewhat familiar to Purity, though obscured in a glowing halo.

Purity blinked her eyes and when they finally adjusted she breathed a sigh of relief. “Gabriela!”

“Hi, Purity,” the woman in the crisp, white suit returned. “Are you doing ok?”

“Um, well, now that you’re here, yes. A moment ago I was terrified for my life. I thought that was it for me…”

“Truly, I am sorry about that.” The woman moved in closer, shaking her head and holding her hands at her hips. “It wasn’t meant to be like that.”

“Excuse me? Do you know about this whole thing? Did you do this?”

“Yes, but not exactly as you think. I never would have put you in such fear and danger on purpose.”

“Then what was this?” she was begging to get agitated at the woman in white.

“This is a testing ground, Purity,” Gabriela explained. “It’s not real, though it may feel it. My people send new recruits to excursions such as this to train them and show them certain things about what we are dealing with. But it was not meant to be so abrupt as you experienced.”

“Then you did do it… so what happened? Why was it so abrupt? I just went to bed for a night sleep and end up running for my life…”

“I know, and again I am truly sorry. I have a new assistant assigned to trainings and he must have gotten the instructions mixed up. You were supposed to be briefed first and also given the chance to agree to the training. Usually trainees are prepared and cautioned beforehand, to an extent… He must have just hit the go…”

“To an extent?” Purity erupted, now mad. “What extent? Do you people usually play with people’s minds like this? My nerves can’t handle this. I don’t want any part!”

Gabriela shook her head again and moved even nearer to the high schooler. “This is quite a nuisance. I will be speaking severely to my assistant, believe me. I understand the fear this has caused you. Please try to be patient while I explain.”

“I can try but my patience is running very thin and I just want to leave this place.”

“That can be done at once,” Gabriela said. With a raised hand and a snap of her fingers, they were instantly transported to a new setting. It was quite fantastic in itself.

They stood on fluffy, pink clouds, high above the earth, with the ground and but a faint swatch of color below them. Purity steadied herself and waved her arms about.

“Don’t worry, you couldn’t fall even if you wanted to. This is just a hologram. Beautiful, isn’t it? Take it in a moment.”

So Purity did, looking around at the wonderful cloud formations and the range of red, orange and yellow pigments of the sun through the sky. And, having adjusted to the fact that she was safe, she leaned over and viewed the world from that height, marveling at the spectacle of her home planet from above. A great pool of blue extended far and wide, only interrupted by a curving stretch of green and brown that carved its way up and down and out of sight.

“Where are we?” she asked Gabriela.

“Well, as I said, a hologram. This is a safe place. But if you want to be literal, this would be the equivalent to flying above your Atlantic Ocean, looking at the Eastern Seaboard of the United States. See, that’s the coast of Virginia, there.”

“Ah,” Purity gasped. “Wonderful.”

“And I take you here to be at ease. Please, have a seat.”

The woman in white led the way by sitting in a puff of cloud that blossomed suddenly from the larger cloud they stood on. A second “cloud seat” popped up nearby. Purity marveled at it by circling around it once. Then she, too, sat.

“It’s so comfortable,” Purity commented.

“I know, isn’t it?”

“Ok, so I want to know what’s going on here. Why did I have to go through that awful place? I thought I was trapped in some alternate reality. A really scary place.”

“In a way, you’ve hit the nail on the head, dear Purity. It truly was an alternate reality. A fake version of it that we create, much like this hologram space we sit in now. And it was an alternate reality of fear, just as you have described.”

“So it was the ‘fear grid’ that you mentioned before?”

“Very astute! Very good,” the woman lauded. “Yes, it was the world of fear, or the ‘fear grid.’ It is a state of reality in which fear rules supreme and is all there is. That is why everything you experienced in that state was so frightening and there was no end to it.”

“And that is the same reality that overlaps our own world?”

“Precisely, though most humans do not ever experience it in its full manifested state as you have seen in our training program.”

“And why does this training program exist? What am I being trained for?”

“To be a healer of the world, if you so choose. Again, a choice you should have been given before this experience. And a choice I still ask you to make now. You are very powerful and talented with the light. You would make a strong ally for our cause. Will you join us?”

“I don’t know,” Purity paused. “What do you mean, talented with ‘the light’? And who are you people, if you are people at all?”

The woman chuckled and smiled. “We are beings of light, givers of the pure energy of love, and healers of the fear grid. I completely understand your hesitation. By no means do I wish to rush you in your decision. Take your time with it, and whatever your choice I will honor it. But you are very gifted with the light, the power that you have seen me wield. You yourself, in fact, have already learned to harness this power, to an extent. You must remember your high school dance?”

“Of course I do. How could I forget…?” Purity pondered all that she’d heard so far. “So you really think that I can help?”

“I have complete faith in you and your abilities.”

“This is certainly not what I expected. One day I was simply going to high school, trying to pass tests and ask out a guy, planning for college… Now you want me to heal the world?”

“My dear, Purity, there is so much more than you know of the world. There are forces beyond your imagining. And you can choose to tune out and ignore it, live your human life and follow those passions. Or you can be a part of something bigger. But let me tell you, the world is facing a crucial time of change, and even were you to live the life you had planned, the forces I speak of will still come knocking on your door. Especially since you are so gifted.”

“What forces? What do you mean they will still come knocking on my door? Like the fear feelings I have been having?”

“Precisely,” Gabriela nodded. “And others. There are many emotions that form similar realities like the fear grid. All of your so-called deadly sins, of which fear is not. Pride is the one you missed on your test.” Gabriela winked and Purity looked sheepish. “No matter. Fear really ought to be the one and only deadly sin, for it is the root of all others. But the others form grids, too. Grids are energetic patterns that feed themselves and anyone who taps into it. Any time someone feels fear, or pride, or greed, or any emotion at all, they feed into a grid of energy. That is why it is so important that we feed grids that heal, like love and joy and peace. That is why myself and those like me do what we do.”

“So that is what you mean by healing the world? You want to disconnect the energies of the fear grid and other ones like it, and replace it with love and peace? Sounds hippy dippy if you ask me.”

Gabriela laughed again. “The hippies were onto something. Many of them have joined our cause and were early wayshowers for humankind.”

“Do you have a name, your cause?”

“Yes, we are the Division of Light.”

“Easy enough, I guess. And you really want me to join you?”

“It would be our greatest honor. We can use all the help we can get, from those like us and from humans like you. The fear grid has become very powerful in this modern ‘Age of Terror.’ It is creeping across the threshold of the boundaries between worlds and is imposing itself more and more on your physical reality. That is why this time is so crucial. The world you know it has come to a tipping point of dramatic choice. Do you head towards darkness and let fear overwhelm you? Or do you call upon love and light to show you the way to a new world of beauty and harmony?”

“So you recruit people like me to help do that?”

“Yes.” Gabriela enunciated firmly. “What will you do, Purity? Will you help us and your world? Will you be a healer and a force for light and love?”

Purity sat there in her pink, fluffy cloud chair, staring at this odd woman, pondering her life and the great decision she was being presented with.

What on earth can I say? Purity thought to herself. There seems to be only one choice that makes sense…


Stay tuned for her answer soon…


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Blessings to you,


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