Word Art Wild Card Day handwritten font on illustration of cards, Subtext Friday Theme: Any theme

What Is Wrong With Me?

Have you ever asked yourself this question?

What is wrong with me?

I have a hunch that most of us have done this at some point or another. Very likely many times over.

Why is that?

Is it that life has caused us to feel other than true to ourselves?

This is a tough question to ask and a tough impression to leave upon yourself. By offering these words to yourself, you are calling the possibility that something IS wrong. In fact you are most certainly stating it.

How can a question be a statement? This is how a question can be a statement.

If you are asking yourself, “What is wrong with me?,” you will begin to feel as though there IS something wrong. In other words, your attention will go to what you are thinking about and what you are asking.

If I am asking if something is wrong with me, then it must be because there really is something wrong with me.

Is there? Is there something wrong with me? What is it? What is it that is wrong with me? Do I even know what it is that is wrong with me?

If I do not know what is wrong with me, how can I ever hope to correct what is wrong with me?

This is a trap.

Nothing. Period.

There is nothing wrong with you.

You are only thinking that there is something wrong with you.

And if you are only thinking that there is something wrong with you, then you can also choose to think that there is NOTHING wrong with you.

If there is nothing wrong with you, how could you be asking if there is something wrong with you?

And if you are asking if there is something wrong…?

But there is nothing wrong with you. Period.

You are perfect, divine, an aspect of God. If you were this, how could there be anything wrong with you?

Are you these things? Do you believe that you are the son or daughter of God? If you knew this, you would know that you are like your creator. The creation is like the creator.

If you are the creation, then you are like the creator. If you are God’s creation, then you are like God.

If you are like God, then there is nothing wrong with you. Period.

You are like God. There is nothing wrong with you. Period.


Say “I am whole, complete, and perfect, as is God.”

Thank you for reading.


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Many blessings to you all,
