Word Art Soul Connection black text over sun in blue sky photo, Subtitle Sunday Theme: Spirituality and transformationSC#19:

”The Light Is Here, I Have Forgiven the World”

This line is drawn from one of the daily exercises in the “Course in Miracles.” It resonated strongly with me, so please allow me to share my tangential thinking after reading and practicing this meditation…

In the beginning all was forgiven. There was nothing to forgive. All was new and perfect.

In a sense this state is like as a new born baby, come into the world in perfection. The baby has no concern for the ills of the world, for all is perfect. There needs be no forgiveness for the baby has nothing to forgive. But if the baby needed to forgive all the ills of the world, it would do so in a heartbeat.

A single heartbeat of a newborn baby forgives all the world that ever was before it. In fact, the baby could not process or hold all the mistakes of the past. It would be overwhelming (as it may indeed feel to you, dear soul).

So the baby forgives all ills, all crimes, all wars, all rapes. The baby forgives all people of all their mistakes and errors. The baby forgives all lessons learned in pain.

You may say that the baby is simply innocent, naive to the reality of the world. You may say there are terrible things in the world, and that a newborn simply has no awareness or understanding of them. You may say that the baby will grow to know these terrible things and fall from grace.

And you may be right. It has happened to you, has it not?

And it has happened to me. I was a baby pure and full of perfection. I was the child that looked upon the world with love and adoration. The world was beautiful and gracious and easy and perfect.

Is it not still?

But with life grows awareness of the multiplicity of infinity and in infinity souls choose different paths. And some of those paths cause harm, yes. And some of those paths are a blight upon the world. And that child who once knew perfection may learn of these things.

The child was born polarized for purity and perfection. And the more the child learns and lives, the doors of polarity spread wide open. The wings of negativity take flight as the child, the beautiful soul in grace, meets obstacles of pain and consequences of mistaken beliefs.

Those who believe in lack fight the world. Those who believe in fear challenge everything they meet. Those who believe in suffering attempt to control. But these are only the missteps of a learning consciousness, the baby steps of a child of God. They are to be forgiven just as well.

The baby is born in complete forgiveness of the world, but the child may learn, the adult may learn of a widening gap in polarity. The good may seem more good, but the bad may seem more bad. And the more you learn of human history on this planet, the more you watch the current affairs in the news, the wars, the murders, the rapes, the genocides… You may well align to negative polarity. The belief that you are a victim of a terrible fate, that the world is scary, and that others are out to get you.

You may do so. It is always your choice. You have the vision of God, and you may turn you eyes to what you choose, in the free will given to you by your Creator. You may look upon the ills and you may suffer with them. And you may create them anew, recreate them, allow them to be recreated.

You may also look at the other polarity, the positive polarity, the good, the perfect, the forgiven. You may choose even now to see with the eyes of the newly anointed Christed child that you began life as. You may forgive the world of all its ills and return to that state of love, peace, and perfection.

You may choose it. You may.

You may say it’s too hard. You may slip, you may fall. You may say it’s impossible.

But it is not. It is a matter of choice. Always. It is a matter of your perspective, what you choose to see in any given moment. You may contain the knowledge of negativity, but you may still choose the positive. You may witness the ills, and you may let them remind you to redouble your efforts to forgive and release.

The world is mad, some say. But it is madness to look upon it thus. The world has gone crazy, but it is crazy to claim such.

You may find peace now. You may find love now. You may find joy now. You may find the Kingdom of Heaven now. It has been said, time and again, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Not in the future, not in some unknown afterlife. But now.

The Kingdom of Heaven is the land you were born into. The world the baby sees. The world of the forgiven. When all is forgiven there is no longer a need to forgive. For when all is forgiven, the world is at peace.

The light shines upon the world in blessed ease. The light warms the heart with love. The light shows the perfection that is God’s creation everywhere of everything, always.

The light is here. You may shine it through your being. Your eyes are God’s eyes upon God’s creation. You are God’s light living God’s life. You may forgive all the world all its ills. And you may be at peace.

Blessed are those who forgive and blessed is the light.

Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed.

Please comment and share and be at ease.


Many, infinite blessings to all of you, now and forever, the eternal now of God.

