Word Art Soul Connection black text over sun in blue sky photo, Subtitle Sunday Theme: Spirituality and transformationSC#18:

Lessons From My Teachings

The “Course in Miracles,” “The Power of Now,” and “The Ra Material,” are three teachings I have been imbibing of late.

And while each has their own authorship and focus, I pull together the lessons as I may.

And sometimes I feel like recanting them.

For if “Course in Miracles” has made anything quite clear, as has “The Ra Material,” it is that no learning is complete until it is taught. That to teach IS to learn.

And so I will teach as I may, so that I may learn.

My Guides Indicated: “Begin Writing”

Man has shrouded God in the maze of the ego mind.

Shrouded God in mystery and misinformation.

The world portrayed through such eyes is illusion and insanity.

It is an upside-down world we call home.

We attribute our life to that which is not real.

If you have seen the show, “Stranger Things,” than we can perceive of what the children called the ‘upside-down.’

It was a terrible, scary place, where things were dark, twisted, and unreal. The air itself was poisonous and monstrous creatures and life forms existed only to attack and feed on your fear and ultimately your flesh.

Is this not unlike the real world we live in?

It may be a gross exaggeration. It may not. It may be a quite accurate allegory.

We may look upon the world we live in and what do we see?

It is certainly not the Kingdom of Heaven or the realm of God, as God intended.

But our souls exist with God, Always.

The truth of that life of our soul is outside this physical illusion of upside-downness.

Is not the egoic world full of fear, attack, and insanity?

I need not point out the wars, violence, starvation, inequalities, injustices, manipulations, deceptions and powerful controls we face every day….

Surely anyone in a human body with any experience of life can list their own examples of these.

There is constant struggle and strife and we tell ourselves and our children that, ‘That’s just life.’

Is that what God truly created for us?

Pain and suffering and fear and depression…

Did God use all of the infinite powers of creation to create our own mortal hell?

Or did we simply misperceive the reality that God truly created?

Did we create our hell…?

What if we could see the reality of God?

What if we could experience it?

What would it be like to live in the Kingdom of Heaven?

Would it be like all the ideals we hold of what God is and what God creates?

Would it be full of peace, joy, love, harmony, and prosperity?

Would it be clear, present, full, rich, beautiful, perfect?

Could the ego get out of the way of its own salvation, and walk through the gates to the Kingdom?

What holds you back from doing this?

Does the ego enslave you in its perfect insanity?

The insanity that tells you God cannot be what we idealize?

That tells you your ego mind is all powerful instead?

That may even devour the spirit and call God dead?

Do not accept this.

This is not the truth.

It is a convincing lie.

It is what you may call the devil’s creation.

The devil is the ego itself.

The devil is called a liar, and I say it is the ego that is lying.

There is no real devil, because it IS a lie.

The only truth is God.

Allow God to be with you, now and forever.

Let your soul free from the prison of the ego.

Allow the light and love of God to fill you to the brim.

And when you are full of God, go forth and release all the souls you meet to the same.

God be with you.


Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed this quick post.

Please comment and share and be at ease.

Many blessings to all,
