Word Art Soul Connection black text over sun in blue sky photo, Subtitle Sunday Theme: Spirituality and transformationSC#29:

God Is The Chord of Creation

In the beginning was the word. The primordial sound. OM.

God sung an eternal note of creation and everything came into being, each thing a vibration in expression as part of the great song of God.

God, in essence, is the greatest chord ever played, and each of us—every thing, living and non—is a note in that chord.

Chords In Music


Ok, now hit PLAY.

Some of you may be right on board with me. You know what a chord is and how it’s formed.

But let’s assume for a brief moment you have no clue. I can explain chords in my best attempt at a touch of music theory.

Even non-musicians can tell when someone sings a note off-key. It makes us cringe. That’s why we prefer notes to be in key.

To be in key, the notes resonate in a pleasant way to our ears. Yes, some of this is cultural training, because in some parts of the world there are keys of music that would be very strange to us.

But for most of the modern western world, we listen to a set number of keys.

Within each key, there are individual notes. And when you pair three or more notes together, they form a chord. Most of the time. Not every combination will be a pleasing chord, but most will be. There are more specific rules in music theory for that. More than we need to get into.

In other words, a chord is a building block of music that includes three or more notes that resonate well together to give us a pleasing sound. This is best found by placing three fingers on certain keys of a piano and striking them together, or three frets on a guitar.


The Vibrational Universe

Ok, the music player aside, let’s talk about metaphysics now. Whew. Like music theory, I’m not the expert here, but I know enough to pass it on.

It has been spoken of in spiritual teachings for countless generations, in various languages and terms, that the universe is made of vibration. Everything in it is a vibration. Even our thoughts.

Even modern science like quantum physics is beginning to explain things in this vibrational way, too. So it’s not just mumbo jumbo. There are ways to measure vibration, some people can feel it, and some can even see it (halos and auras and the like).

Sound is vibration. Light is vibration. And our flesh and bones vibrate with eternal creative potential. Everything is in motion, down to the tiniest subatomic particle. We don’t see it because it’s much more microscopic than our eyes can perceive.

Even the desk at which I am typing is in vibrational motion within it, creating and holding itself together in its very solid, physical form.

Everything is vibration.

Ok. Got it?

The Song of Creation

Let’s put this all back together.

If God is a chord, as played in music, and each of us is a note played in the key of God, let’s say, than that to me explains the whole nature and foundation of our reality.


Wait, what?

Ok, you know how spiritual teachings often say we are all one? Well, if you‘ve studied certain teachings, you’d have heard that. Or maybe at least glimpsed the possibility of the concept.

Sometimes it is hard to look around you and see everything as one with you. How can that tree and I be one? When it is a beautiful tree, it may be easier to allow.

But what about that pile of trash in the dumpster? Or the rude person that cut you off? How can we allow that they are one with us?

It also begs the question that if we are all one, if we are made of the same foundational creative vibrational source energy, why do we represent ourselves so differently?

If we’re so different in appearance and otherwise, we must be different. We can’t be one. We can’t be made of the same vibration. Different vibrations, right?

Yes, and no. We vibrate at different levels and therefore present ourselves differently, yes. The blade of grass vibrates at the level it needs to become grass. We vibrate at a different level to be human. And on and on with all things.

So how are we one, again?

We resonate with the chord of God, that’s how. We are all in the key of God. We are notes played together in the song of creation. The source of all things, the primordial ‘om,’ the word made into flesh, sings across the multiverse and each of us resonates along with it, each representing one piece, one note in that great chord.

Are you catching on?

Simple, in some ways. Maybe I overexplained it. For some. Maybe not enough for others. Wherever you are in your journey, whatever vibration you have achieved, will determine how this information sits with you. Let it be. New and challenging to grasp. Easy and completely makes sense. Let it be.

I think it’s beautiful. I think it’s a great way to explain the vibrational nature of the universe. How we all appear separate but in truth, at the heart, are one. To me it explains so much in such a singular concept. Especially as a music-lover and creator.

The song of creation. The chord of God. All things in resonance. (And perhaps some in dissonance. I want to insert a wink emoji. But I think I see another post to discuss the idea of dissonance further. Stay tuned.)


Thank you for spending the time reading this post. I hope you enjoyed it. Sing your song with God and all creation. You already are, in truth. Do it beautifully.


Blessings to all,
