Word Art Soul Connection black text over sun in blue sky photo, Subtitle Sunday Theme: Spirituality and transformationSC#21:

(Be sure to catch up on last week’s post as well, “I Am a Guiltless Son of God”)

I Am a Defenseless Son of God

I know what you’re thinking. Yes, I am psychically reading your mind right now…

Ok, jokes aside, I’m sure that the title may sound funny. Why would I claim to be a defenseless son of God? Who, in fact, would want to be defenseless?

Perhaps one who knew that they did not need defense.

How’s that?

Well, think about it. If there were nothing that could hurt you, then what would you need defense for?

“A Course In Miracles” explains that we live in a world of attack, which makes us perceive ourselves as separate from God.

Being in a world of attack, we would need therefore to construct defenses against attack. But the course also says that attack and defense are the same thing. In other words they go hand in hand. You can’t have one without the other.

So in order to exist without the need for defense, you must exist without threat of attack.

How can that be?

God’s strength is complete and with God there is no attack and no need for defense. So we can exist without threat of attack if we remember ourselves as the children of God, and truly know and express as that.

That idea may be natural and comfortable to some, while to others it is likely quite challenging. It depends on your belief in God, or your version of what God is and what we are in relation to God.

I myself struggled with this idea much of my life. I have explained that in other writings so I will not go in detail on that here. But I do not by any means picture an old white man with a beard who gave birth to Earth and all that is in it. Let’s be clear of that first.

I also hold the potentially controversial view that we are all sons and daughters of God, not just the Jesus of our histories. In fact, Jesus himself taught this very same thing when he walked this earth, as well as through his lessons in “A Course In Miracles.”

I feel that some of you may be struggling with this. Are you putting up defenses even now against these concepts?

Good. Then we know the teaching it working. We only grow when we push past old boundaries.

In Heaven There Is No Need For Defense

Why should you have need of defense if you are a child of God? For God made you as an extension of Godself? That is, if you accept your place in heaven by God’s side…

If you are part of what God is, and you are always and eternally connected to your creator, your source, then you are imbued with all that God entails. That does not make you God. It simply means you are intertwined.

See it this way: God is the ocean, and we are part of the ocean. We are waves in the ocean, if you will. Sometimes we lap up on shore and have an experience on land. And when we are done we return to the sea to be one with God again.

My point is that we are always one with God, from that point of view. This point of view is possible for you to hold.

And it is this point of view that will convince you that there is no need for defense.

If you are one with God, who does not attack and needs no defense; if you accept that you are an invulnerable and eternal soul in a temporary body; and if you acknowledge God’s strength as part of you; then you will have no need to defend against anyone or anything.

That is one of Jesus’ most profound teachings. He accepted his role in the crucifiction, then revealed himself through resurrection to prove that he need not defend against those who would hurt and kill him. He showed that he was invulnerable and eternal.

We need not have defense if we accept that we are one with God.

In heaven there is no attack.

In heaven, there is no need for defense.

Can you imagine, even for a moment, how it would feel to be perfectly safe to the point that you do not even need defense?

How peaceful and easy that would be.

Pause and imagine yourself as a defenseless child of God. Feel the release. Feel the relief. Feel the perfect, divine love.


Thank you for reading. I hope this concept was meaningful to you and helps you feel ease in your life, even for a moment.


Please leave any comments and questions you may have, and share with all those who need God’s strength.

Many blessings to all,
