Word Art Soul Connection black text over sun in blue sky photo, Subtitle Sunday Theme: Spirituality and transformationSC#23:

(Be sure to check out related posts: “I Am a Guiltless Son of God” and “I Am a Defenseless Son of God”)

I Am a Sinless Son of God

I am without sin.

All are without sin.

Say this with me. Say it to yourself… and to your brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, friends and colleagues, and yes, even your enemies, maybe most importantly your enemies.

For your enemies are but part of the whole, as are you, and what is done to them is done to you. To perceive them as flawed will show yourself flawed. To perceive their mistakes will reveal the parts of yourself that you believe are mistaken. To see them as wrong will mean you are wrong, their errors yours. And to fear them is to fear yourself.

It’s as Jesus taught: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” While this may sound trite and is likely one of the most quoted verses of the Bible, it is also extremely powerful and not to be taken lightly. For it means what it says, and to perceive another in sin is to see yourself in sin. Would you not rather see others in the best of light, as you would like to see yourself?

“A Course In Miracles” describes sin as a “lack of love.” This is a very different stance to take on it and I want you to really let it sink in.

Instead of the traditional view of sins as a set of rules that should not be broken and if they are you are punished…

See sins as a lack of love. In this light it is clear that to sin or be sinned against means only that love is not present. That is why it feels bad.

But love is always available. It can be a matter of choice and free will to see the love, to tap into it, and to allow it.

You can look towards love or away from it as much as you can look at the light or the darkness. But to perceive the darkness is to perceive sin.

The darkness is not really there, only the light is. The darkness is a misperception and an illusion. If you were to see clearly with the eyes of Christ you would see only the light, and therefore no sin.

In God’s Eyes There Is No Sin

There is no sin. There just isn’t.

You may be excited to know that. Or you may be shouting at the screen right now saying that I’m full of smelly, brown stuff.

But to God who created us in Love, who continues to Love us eternally and unconditionally, we cannot sin.

Would a father stop loving his child?

If her children make mistakes, does the mother not still love them?

God’s place is the Kingdom of Heaven and God is entirely Love. How could God see sin?

If God were to see sin, God would not be in the Kingdom of Heaven. God, even, would be condemned to hell. It cannot be. (And by the way, there is no hell.)

This is blasphemous stuff, right? A past life of mine was likely hanged for ideas such as this in Puritan times, or burned at the stake in Europe… Ahem…

But even those would not be sins. Not the hanging, not the burning, not a word I spoke in any lifetime now or past. For God knows our soul is eternal and pure and death is not the end. Was Jesus afraid to die at the stake, knowing he lives forever?

So even what appears to be the worst of sins is not so in God’s eyes. And wouldn’t it be nice if we all could see through those eyes? What would the world look like if we did not see sin at all, but replaced our vision with the eyes of Love?

For sin is but a perception. It is a choice. It is the devil on the shoulder, beckoning us to look at the negative. But the angel still calls us, too, indicating the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand if we but look at it.

Envision a new world with me, now, if you will:

See a world without sin, as God sees it. Look not at the missteps of yourself or others, see not the errors and so-called flaws, rise above wrong-doing and punish not crimes.

See instead a world of Love. See a world where all are one and all are accepted by God and by each other. See a world so perfect that even imperfection is perfection. Diversity and difference are perfect. Flawlessness is perfect. All experiences and expressions are allowed and are perfect. And all are guided by the pure perfection of Love.

See the world as God sees it, as Christ sees, sinless and perfect and only Love, only Light.

Say: “I am a sinless son of God, I am a sinless daughter of God, I am a sinless child of God, and there can be no other truth, so be it.”

Feel your sinlessness and know all is well.

Be at peace, dear siblings of God.

Thank you for reading and for seeing this post as sinless.

Please leave any comments and questions you may have, and share far and wide with those you know. It is time to view the world in sinlessness.

Many, many blessings to all,
