Word Art Soul Connection black text over sun in blue sky photo, Subtitle Sunday Theme: Spirituality and transformationSC#30:

Jesus Loves You… and You, and You, and You

He’s one of the most famous men in history! And he’s the only son of God! And he saves!

Good for him.

His teachings were wise, his example inspires to this day, and, yes, he is and was a healer. But to be honest, somewhere along the way the whole thing got skewed.

“Jesus loves you” is not a magic spell to change people to how you want them to be. Jesus loves you because he understands the nature of reality and our place in it, so he can’t do anything but love you.

The Flaw

The flaw I’ve seen recently is that some people use Jesus as a panacea. They think they can prescribe it to others when they see things they don’t like. As if Jesus will “save” them for some so-called “sins.” Guess what, that’s not how it works. There’s no sin but the word sin itself. (Ooh, I see a new thread to write!)

Recently I popped into some random TikTok lives and saw the phrase “Jesus loves you” used over and over like a broken record. Why? People were using it towards those of the LGBTQ community. As if it would magically “cure” them?

Well, folks, there’s nothing wrong with them and even Jesus knows that. Jesus does love them, but he loves them for who they are, not for who you want them to be. In fact, Jesus loves all. We’ll be back to that in a moment.

I bet Jesus is rolling in the grave (wait, he left that one) whenever his name or his teachings are used for controlling others. “No, no, no,” he lovingly shakes his head. “I taught love and to treat each other as equals in God’s eyes.”

The Fix

Ok, I guess I don’t want to wax on about the problem. Let’s see the cure.

The cure is not Jesus. It is in what he taught. And the cure is within you! Each and every one of you. Every child of God has within themself the means to end the suffering to each other and to find peace and harmony with all.

Yes, I hate to be the one to break it to you (no, I don’t): God did not have only one child. Why would God stop at one, if God is all-powerful and everlasting? One child? Even most parents on earth want more than one… And God could have as many as God wants? So God did.

We are all God’s children and that’s precisely what Jesus knew. And that’s what he taught. And that’s why he told us the golden rule: to treat others as we would have them treat us. Because he knew that we were all of the same Godstuff, all one, all children of the same creator, and so why would want to hurt ourselves?

To hurt others is like cutting your arm. To shout at others is to condemn ourselves. Jesus knew that, and therefore he could do no harm. Instead he could only want to help each and every one. That’s what he lived and died for and that’s what he’s still doing now.

So that’s what he taught. That’s his love. That’s how he saves. And that’s the example he wants us to follow. The best of us do. But so many things have skewed the message over time and now… Well, he have to get back to basics, folks.

Love yourself and love all, and let Jesus do the same. Don’t force Jesus on others’ as if it will change them. Jesus doesn’t even want to change them. He just wants us all to do that hippy thing: “peace and love, man.”

All for now.


Thanks for spending a few moments gazing into my spiritual bubble. Hope it helps and if it did, please share and drop a line below. I’d love to hear from you!


Blessings to all,
