Word Art Soul Connection black text over sun in blue sky photo, Subtitle Sunday Theme: Spirituality and transformationSC#24:

Introduction to a New Dialogue

Here goes, my friends. Something new, yet entirely as old as time, you could say. If you believed in time. Which I am assuming you still do. Most of you…

This post and this title is vague, I will admit. This is not because there is no agenda whatsoever here. There probably is, but we’ll find out together.

This is about allowing and tuning in to what is happening right here and now, which is the only “time” there is.

I have so many topics and so much I could say; but today, right now, I will allow infinite intelligence to say what it may. This is real time, as I write, letting it flow, no holds barred.

Letting God Speak

Hello readers.

Welcome to a new world. It is a newness that is entirely old, as it was envisioned since the beginning. It is a world you call by many names. It is a place you perceive and wish to perceive. It is not outside of this world, but it is entirely outside your current vision.

Unless you vision with the eyes of heaven. Then your eyes will behold precisely what I speak of.

This new world is what you desire so strongly. So why delay longer, to enter the kingdom of all your blessings come true? Forgive yourself this time that seems to have passed from the beginning to now. Forgive yourself the blinders you have chosen to wear. Forgive yourself the delay in reclaiming what is your divine birthright.

This new world is the world of peace. The world where conflict is no more, because it is not needed. It simply does not exist.

A world with no sin. For sin is not real. Sin is a cover for pain, that you created to experience your forgetting. Your forgetting of yourself as part of the divine. The divine is not pain, is not sin, and neither are you. You have but forgotten.

In this new world, you will remember who you are in truth. You will know yourself as you are and as you have always been and as you always will be. For your eternal soul is perfect, is blessed, is pure, is love.

In this new world, it is a world of perfect love. All things in it are seen as they are and are accepted unconditionally. For there is no condition for being, and all that exists is worthy of existing, else it would not be.

In this new world you will see this clearly. The fact that you do not now is ok. There is no flaw in the plan. There is no trouble here, where I stand. For I stand here waiting, as I always have, and I send my messengers to you to lead you home to me.

The kingdom is prepared. It always has been. It is awaiting your return. When you remember who you are, who all are, and you return home to the kingdom, then you will see the new world, which is the world as it really is.

It will seem wondrous and new to you, for you have been living in the forgetting. The fall of man was not a lapse in glory, but a depreciation of the memory of truth. It was a cloak, a veil, a lobotomy of the mind of soul. You but forgot your truth.

Yet now is it time to remember. As it is always available to you. Has it not been said, the kingdom of heaven is at hand? This is so, and will never not be so.

If you experience confusion, so be it. I will not struggle against you. Change may be met in confusion. The world you have known has impressed itself so strongly on your consciousness. I know well, for I see its effects.

Let the world, the new world, show itself to you. Let it come in increments, if need be. Let it come in a wave, if you wish. Let it come any way that you must. But come it will. That is certain. For it has always been the plan.

You know you helped me with that plan? Do you know that? You will remember. When you know who you are, you will know of what I speak.

For now, let the changes wash over you, as a babe in a bath. The newborn babe must be cleansed of the womb from which it left. And this is what you will go through when you join the new world.

The blood of the past, died and caked on your flesh, the sinews and organs of the body in which you have dwelt, will be cleansed. They will be measured and weighed, not for their worth, for you could not be more worthy. But they will be held against their truth, which you will know in its perfect love.

This is a promise. And it is already happening. And it has already happened. And it is all in a moment, an instant of “time.” It is the eternity that is always present, outside of time. It is the kingdom of heaven, and it awaits all its sons and daughters to return in their remembering.

Remove the blinders, forgive your forgetting, bless all you see, and enter the kingdom now.

This I say unto you, that it be so.

All That Is and Ever Will Be, and Blessed Are the All!

A Final Note

I wonder of any reading this post, this blog today, what are your thoughts? Think you I am mad? Do madmen reveal love and truth?

I confess, myself, I would be as you, and doubt what I read. I would certainly have doubted writing it, if I were as I once was. But I have learned so much. And the lessons I have learned become lessons that I teach. In the ways that I can, and in the ways that I am guided to do so.

I believe, more than ever before, that God is in all things, indeed, that God is all things. And being so, is it strange to have God speak through me? Is that not what all speech is, in a way?

So what’s the difference of one writing for God, and one writing for the self? Perhaps little. For there is no separation.

However, the ego may have plans all its own, and devising to achieve certain goals will wear the blinders of forgetting its true nature and its truth. It will espouse things that may be illusory and temporal, not true and eternal.

When, if allowed, God speaks through one, that one may transmit a clearer signal of truth. Whether you believe it or not is your choice. Certainly, the one who channels the message may color it through their own filter, or perhaps not. Again it is your choice how you perceive it.

But I like to think that each and every one of us can hear God speak to us. And that, if allowed, we can hear so clearly that there is no other who speaks. No shadow, no cloud, no mask, no blinder.

And that is why I have been simply letting be these so-called “dialogues” (one-sided as they may seem). More on that in time. I am but gathering the words, so far. When they are compiled, I will be sharing them. That is as certain as the words today were given.

So I let it be. I opened myself up. I put myself on the line. I showed a fullness of my being, of my experience of all that is. I would have cowered before these ideas in the past, shirked them, laughed them aside.

But I cannot ignore them. And while I may be learning to understand them myself, I feel compelled to share them. This is real time. This is real talk. This is reality coming to meet us in our devised illusion of experience.

Will you open up to the kingdom? Let me know in the comments.


Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed.


Please share this message so that others may partake of this learning.

Blessings to all,
