Word Art Soul Connection black text over sun in blue sky photo, Subtitle Sunday Theme: Spirituality and transformationSC#27:

The topic for today has taken root in my brain, and is a continuation in part of my recent post.

I first became aware of this concept by loosely studying images of charts based on Dr. David Hawkins’ “map of consciousness.”

With my inquiries into manifestation and law attraction, my studies of “A Course In Miracles,” and certain lessons in my life, it just became the next logical place to return to in recent days.

Let me share…

The Map of Consciousness, In Brief

In the “Map of Consciousness,” there are various levels of energetic beingness listed based on different emotions and qualities we experience in life. Each level is given a numerical value as a reference for how far along the energetic path our experience lies.

For instance, at the bottom is the emotion of “shame,” which is given the value of 20 and is associated with a miserable world view and despising God view. In other words, if God despises you for things you have done, or haven’t done, you will experience shame, a miserable life, and very low energy and ability to manifest what you want in life. Tough.

On the upper end of the scale, for contrast, following the upward path of love, joy and peace, you will find enlightenment. This state is given the value of 700-1000 and is associated with expanded states of consciousness where you recognize all as the same as you, all as self, and see God and the divine in all. Pretty nice place to be. Jesus and Buddha and Krishna and the like, right?

(I do not want to share the borrowed photos I found in my Google Image search. I suggest you do a quick search for the “map of consciousness” if you are intrigued and wish to see it more clearly.)

A View of God, A View of the World

While the emotional scale and numerical values in themselves are fascinating and worth study in themselves, where my interest focused most heavily was on the God view.

Why? Keep reading my blog posts and you’ll get a sense of what fascinates me about my studies of spirituality.

So the view of God to me says a lot about the world you will see and the life you will live.

A common phrase I struggle to accept is “God-fearing.” In the light of this map of consciousness, this will not put you in a great place.

To have a God who instills fear, you have to believe in a God of punishment. The world then becomes frightening, and you respond with anxiety and withdrawal. You will stick around the 100 zone on the scale. Not as bad as shame, but still in a zone of struggle and not getting what you want in life the way you think you should.

This is not to say all those who claim to be God-fearing enact this experience fully. They may just be using the term, but also believe more truly in a loving, compassionate, forgiving God. In that case, they are more likely in the 300-500 zone and enjoying a higher state of life and being.

My point is that whatever view you have of God will determine how you live and feel. So wouldn’t you rather choose a more uplifting God view than a more punitive, condemning one? Your view of how God creates is literally creating your life experience.

To Deny God

This is an interesting point I want to touch on. I have known many people who deny the existence of God altogether. In fact, for many years of my own life, so did I. Until I came back to a new, more meaningful understanding of the concept of God that I could resonate with.

But to deny God, in a sense, is still to have a relationship with God. Since God is and since God is all things, whether or not you recognize it, it is still there. The light is turned on always, creating the entire universe, and whether you look at it or away from it is your choice. But you are still in a relationship to it. Facing or back-turned.

In my experience it is far easier, more uplifting, and more joyful to see God than to turn your back on God. But it’s your choice. Live the hard life or the easier one. Struggle to manifest the things you want or allow them to flow seamlessly into your life.

God is in truth a God of free will and choice. God will not stop you from denying God. But you will stop yourself from the life you want, in many ways.

Embrace a Loving God

So, in other words, would it not be of greater benefit to you to embrace a loving God? A peaceful God? A joyful God?

I fully believe so. I am committed to seeing God this way and to helping others see God this way. Not as some anal, condemning being who watches over us and decides that if we are doing as he pleases he will bless us, but if we make mistakes he will condemn us to an eternity of fire and brimstone. Hell no!

God is always there, loving and supporting you, ready for you to walk hand-in-hand to the promised land that is your right. But whether you choose to believe in a fearful, condemning, punitive God; deny God; or trust in a loving, compassionate, peaceful, joyful God will determine how and when you get there.

Not if! To me, there is no if about it. What kind of God would create all, allow for all experience (even into the darkness), and not promise us to return home to the light that we are in truth? Even those who deny God will return home to God. They are just taking a longer, harder path by their own choosing.

It is always your choice. This has been said many times on my blog and by countless other teachers. You choose what to focus on, what to believe in, what to create. Even if it appears to you that others are the cause, it is only because you have brought those others into your life experience by your continued focus on that sort of experience.

I can see where this post could use some further explanation, in-depth study, and expansion. Good thing God also gave us an eternity of “time,” for there will be time to elaborate on any and all of this.


Please leave comments below if this resonated with you or left any questions you wish answered. This can help guide me to future posts and sharing the wonderful ideas I wish to assist us all in understanding. Thank you.


Blessings to all,
